BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject
BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

We have detail information of TU BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus pdf and Subject list. BBM means Bachelors of Business management. There are five subjects in BBM third Semester.

BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject.

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeLecture HourCredit Hours
Business StatisticsSTT 20148 Hrs3 Hrs
Business CommunicationENG 20348 Hrs3 Hrs
Nepalese History and PoliticsSOC 20448 Hrs3 Hrs
Cost and Management AccountingACC 20248 Hrs3 Hrs
Fundamentals of FinanceFIN 20648 Hrs3 Hrs

For Syllabus of BBM third Semester: CLICK HERE

Business Statistics

The principal objective of Business Statistics is for students to describe data and make evidence based business decisions making.

Following are the syllabus of Business Statistics.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
1Describing Data using Graphs and Tables
2Describing Data Using Numerical Measures
3Simple Linear Correlation Analysis
4Simple Linear Regression Analysis
6Probability Distributions
7Sampling Theory
9Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Business Communication

The course seeks to enable students to explore communication theories and models to determine how to communicate effectively in business settings.

Following are the syllabus of Business Communication.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
1The Communication Process
2Business Communication
3Skills and Values in Business Communication
4Writing Electronic and Other Messages
5Oral Communication
6Visuals and Nonverbal Communication
7Communication in Career Planning

Nepalese History and Politics

Following are the syllabus of Nepalese History and Politics.

ChaptersName of the chapters
1Nepal in Ancient and Medieval Times
2Modern Nepal: Shah Rule (1742-1846)
3Modern Nepal: Rana Regime (1846-1951)
4Nepal: Experiment with Democracy
5Political Development and Governance in Nepal

Cost and Management Accounting

The objectives of the course are to provide the students with in-depth knowledge of cost and management accounting

Following are the syllabus of Cost and Management Accounting.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
1Conceptual Foundation
2Cost Concept and Cost Classification
3Accounting for Materials
4Accounting for Labour Cost
5Accounting for Overhead Cost
6Costing in Service Sectors
7Accounting for Profit Planning
8Cost Accounting for Planning and Control
9Short term Decision Making

Fundamentals of Finance.

This course Fundamentals of Finance aims to lay the foundation for understandings fundamental concepts and principles of finance.

Following are the syllabus of Fundamentals of Finance.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
1Introduction to Finance
2Financial Environment
3Analysis of Financial Statements
4Interest rates
5Time Value of Money
6Bond Valuation
7Stock Valuation
8Cost of capital
9Working Capital

Hence, these are the BBM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject.

If you have any subject notes than you can send us through CLICK HERE.

Other Important Links:

a. BBM 3rd semester Model Question Paper: CLICK HERE

b. BBM 3rd Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question

What are the subjects in BBM 3rd semester in Nepal?

= Following are the subject name in BBM 3rd Semester:

  • Business Statistics
  • Business Communication
  • Nepalese History and Politics
  • Cost and Management Accounting
  • Fundamentals of Finance