BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject

BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject
BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject

We have detail information of TU BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject list. There is one compulsory subjects and 4 elective subject from different group. Similarly, students need to do project based on their internship. Internship or project report also has good numbers.

BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the detail information:

Subject List

Following are the subject list of BBM 8th Semester.

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeCredit Hourslecture Hours
Business StrategyMGT 3183 Hrs48 Hrs
Service Operations and Management (Elective II)ISM 2063 Hrs48 Hrs
Industrial Relations (Elective III)ISM 2083 Hrs48 Hrs
Project Report Writing Or Internship6 Hrs48 Hrs

There are more elective subjects as well.

Business Strategy

Following are the syllabus of Business Strategy:

UnitsName of the Chapters
2Vision and Mission, Objectives and Strategy
3Strategic Analysis
4Strategy Formulation
5Strategy Implementation

Service Operations and Management

Following are the syllabus of Service Operations and Management:

UnitsName of the Chapters
2Service Strategy
3Managing Service Operations and Processes
4Productivity and Quality Improvement
5Resource Utilization

Industrial Relations

Following are the syllabus of Industrial Relations:

UnitsName of the units
2Trade Unions
3Collective Bargaining
4Employee Grievances, Conflicts and Disputes
5Worker Participation in Management

Hence, these are the BBM 8th Semester Syllabus and Subject list.

Other Important Links:

a. BBM 8th Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question:

What are the subject name of BBM 8th Semester?

= Following are the subject of BBM 8th Semester :

  • Business Strategy
  • Service Operations and Management
  • Industrial Relations
  • Project Reports
  • Elective Subjects

Syllabus of BBM 8th Semester: