BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects

BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects
BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects

We have detail information of the TU BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects list. There are five subjects in BBA fourth semster in TU.

BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects

Following are the detail informations of the syllabus

PDF of BBA third Semester Syllabus: CLICK HERE

Subject List

Following are the list of the subjects:

Name of the subjectSubject CodeLecture HourCredit hour
Cost and Management AccountingACC 20248 LH3 CH
Business LawMGT 20448 LH3 CH
Business Environment in NepalMGT 20648 LH3 CH
Fundamentals of MarketingMKT 20148 LH3 CH
Basic PsychologyPSY 20148 LH3 CH

PDF of BBA third Semester Syllabus: CLICK HERE

Subjects Wise

Following are the Subject wise syllabus

Cost and Management Accounting

Following are the syllabus

UnitName of the ChaptersContentsLecture Hour
1Conceptual Foundation– Cost & management accounting
– Cost concept and its classification
– Concept and method of cost segregation
4 LH
2Accounting for Materials– Materials/Inventory
– Inventory Control
3 LH
3Accounting for Labour Cost– Labour cost
– Incentive wages Plan
3 LH
4Accounting for Overhead Cost– Overhead cost
– Accounting and Distribution of overhead cost
4 LH
5Accounting for Profit Planning– Absorption costing
– Variable costing
– Cost Volume profit analysis
8 LH
6Standard costing– Standard costing
– Variance analysis
4 LH
7Flexible budgeting– Flexible budgeting
– Overhead cost variance
4 LH
8Budgeting and Profit Planning12 LH
9Accounting for Alternative Choices for Decision Making6 LH

Business Law

Following are the syllabus

UnitName of the chapterContentLecture Hour
1Introduction to law and Business lawMeaning, Nature and Characteristics2 LH
2General Law of Contract– Law of Contract
– Offer and Acceptance
– Contractual Capacity
– Consideration
– Free Consent
– Legality of objective and consideration
– Contingent Contract
– Quasi Contract
– Performance of contract
– Termination of Contract
– Breach of Contract
25 LH
3Specific Contracts– Contract of Agency
– Contract of Sale of Goods
– Contract of Carriage
15 LH
4Law of Negotiable InstrumentsMeaning and feature of negotiable instruments,
Promissory note,
bills of exchange and cheque
4 LH
5Law of Company and InsolvencyMeaning, Nature and incorporation of company,
4 LH

Business Environment in Nepal

Following are th syllabus

UnitName of the Chapterlecture Hour
1Introduction5 LH
2Macroeconomic Environment15 LH
3Political-Legal Environment8 LH
4Socio-cultural Environment5 LH
5Technology and Energy Management4 LH
6Global Business Environment8 LH

Fundamentals of Marketing

Following are the syllabus

UnitName of the chapterLecture Hours
1Introduction6 LH
2Marketing Environment4 LH
3Marketing Information System and Buyer Behavior4 LH
4Buyer Behavior6 LH
5Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Strategies4 LH
6Product Decisions8 LH
7Pricing Decisions6 LH
8Distribution Decisions4 LH
9Promotion Decisions 6 LH

Basic Psychology

Following are the syllabus

UnitName of the ChapterLecture Hour
1Introduction6 LH
2Perception, Social Thought and Behavior6 LH
3Motivation and Emotion6 LH
4Learning6 LH
5Memory and Forgetting7 LH
6Thinking and Problem Solving6 LH
7Human Intelligence6 LH
8Personality5 LH

Hence, these are the BBA 4th Semester Syllabus and Subjects.

If you have notes of any semester of BBA than you can donates it to us. It will be very helpful people who do not have notes for exam preparation. They can easly know the structure of the question in the exams.

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Other Important Links:

a. BBA fourth Semester Model Question Paper: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question

a. BBA fourth Semester Subject List.

= There are five subjects in BBA fourth Semester. They are

  • ACC 202: Cost and Management Accounting
  • MGT 204: Business Law
  • MGT 206: Business Environment in Nepal
  • MKT 201: Fundamentals of Marketing
  • PSY 201: Basic Psychology