BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject

BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject
BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject

We have TU BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject list. There are five subjects in BBM fourth Semester.

BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the detail information

Subject List

Following are the list of subject of BBM 4th semester:

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeCredit HoursLecture Hours
Accounting For Decision MakingACC 3133 Hrs48 Hrs
Financial ManagementFIN 3123 Hrs48 Hrs
Human Resource ManagementMGT 3133 Hrs48 Hrs
Taxation in NepalMGT 3143 Hrs48 Hrs
Business Research MethodsRCH 3113 Hrs48 Hrs

Accounting For Decision Making

Following are the syllabus of Accounting For Decision Making:

ChaptersName of the Chapters
2Elements of Cost
3Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounting
4Budgetary Control
5Marginal Costing
6Costing Methods and Techniques
7Investment Decision
8Skill Development

Financial Management

Following are the syllabus of Financial Management.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
1Financial Planning and Forecasting of Financial Statements
2Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model
3Basics of Capital Budgeting
4Cash Flow Estimation
5Basic Capital Structure Decisions
7Working Capital Management

Human Resource Management

Following are the syllabus of Human Resource Management.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
2Human Resource Planning
3Job Analysis and Design
4Employee Recruitment and Selection
5Training and Development
6Performance Appraisal
7Rewards Management
8Employee Grievances and Disciplines
9Labor Relations and Labour Regulations in Nepal

Taxation in Nepal

Following are the syllabus of Taxation in Nepal.

ChapterName of the Chapters
1Theoretical foundation
2General background of income tax Act
3Deductions of costs and expenses
4Non-deductible expenses or amounts
5Quantification, allocation, and characterization of amounts
6Business income and calculation of assessable income
7Employment income and calculation of assessable income
8Investment income and calculation of assessable income
9Calculation of taxable income
10Calculation of income tax liabilities
11Value added tax

Business Research Methods

Following are the Business Research Methods

ChapterName of the Chapters
2Literature searching and Theoretical Framework
3Research Design
4Measurement, Scaling and Sampling
5Data Collection and Analysis
6Research Proposal and Report Writing

Hence, these are the BBM 4th Semester Syllabus and Subject.

Detailed Syllabus:

Frequently Asked Question

Whar are the name of the Subject of BBM 4th Semester?

= Following are the name of the subject of BBM 4th Semester.

  • Accounting For Decision Making
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Taxation in Nepal
  • Business Research Methods