BIM 2nd Semester Syllabus & Subjects
We have detail information of TU BIM 2nd Semester Syllabus & Subjects. There are five subjects in BIM second semester.
BIM 1st Semester Model Question Paper
We have detail information of TU BIM 1st Semester Model Question Paper. There are five subjects in BIM first Semester. They are English Composition,...
BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus
These are the TU BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus. BIM means bachelor's of information management.
BIM first Semester all subjects with...
BIM 1st Semester C Programming Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 1st Semester C Programming Notes.
BIM 1st Semester C Programming Notes
Following are the chapter-wise notes on C programming.
Chapter 1:...
BIM 1st Semester Principle of Management Notes
We have collected the BIM 1st Semester Principle of Management. If you are BIM first-semester student then these notes will be useful for you....
BIM 6th Semester Business Environment Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 6th Semester Business Environment Notes PDF.
BIM 6th Semester Business Environment Notes
Following are the chapter-wise notes of BE....
Management Information System Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 7th semester Management Information System Notes PDF.
Management Information System Notes
Following are the chapter-wise notes of MIS.
Chapter 1: Foundations...
BIM 7th Semester Organizational behavior Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 7th Semester Organizational behavior Notes PDF.
BIM 7th Semester Organizational behavior Notes
Following are the chapter-wise notes
Chapter 1:...
BIM 7th semester Artificial Intelligence Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 7th semester Artificial Intelligence Notes PDF.
BIM 7th semester Artificial Intelligence Notes
Following are the chapter-wise notes
Chapter 1: Introduction...
IT Entrepreneurship and supply chain mgmt Notes
We have collected the TU BIM 8th Semester IT Entrepreneurship and supply chain mgmt Notes PDF.
IT Entrepreneurship and supply chain mgmt Notes
Following are the...