Old Questions of Business Research Methods

Old Questions of Business Research Methods
Old Questions of Business Research Methods

We will look after the Old Questions of Business Research Methods.

Old Questions of Business Research Methods

Following are the chapter wise Old Questions of Business Research Methods. It is one of the TU BBS 4th Year subject.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Brief Answer Question

1. What does management research mean? 2077 BS. For ans: CLICK HERE

2. What is action research? 2076 BS.

3. Give two difference between basic and applied research. 2075 BS.

4. What is research? 2074 BS. For Ans: CLICK HERE

Descriptive Answer Questions

1. What are the steps required for conducting any kind of research? Describe. 2075 BS. For Ans: CLICK HERE

2. What are the ethical considerations for conducting research? Describe. 2074 BS.

3. How do you conduct a research? Explain its type. 20774 BS. For Ans: CLICK HERE

Write Short Notes

a. Role of research in Management. 2076 BS.

b. Case Study. 2074 BS.

Analytical Answer Questions

1. Explain the qualitative and quantitative research. Discuss the various methods of qualitative research. 2077 BS.

2. Give your arguments comparing both qualitative and quantitative research methods. For Ans: CLICK HERE

Which method is more suitable for conducting research in business management? Describe. 2074 B.S.

Chapter 2: Literature Searching and theoretical Framework.

Brief Answer Question

1. Define research problem. 2077 B.S. For Ans: CLICK HERE

2. Differentiate between null and alternative hypothesis used in management research. 2077 B.S

3. Write down the benefits of literature review. 2076 B.S.

4. Define theoretical framework. 2076

5. Differentiate between Deductive and inductive reasoning. 2075 B.S.

6. How does literature review supports to find out research gab? 2074 B.S. For Ans: CLICK HERE

Descriptive Answer Question

1. Explain about research problem. Discuss the criteria of a good research problem. 2076 B.S. For Ans: CLICK HERE

2. What is literature review? Explain its uses in conducting research. 2075 B.S. For Ans: CLICK HERE

3.How do you formulate research hypothesis? Explain its preconditions. 2074 B.S

Write Short Notes

a. Role of hypothesis in research work.

Analytical Answer Questions.

1. A textile business enterprise earns double of its last year profit without recruiting additional employees. As a researcher, set the research problem, research objects and hypothesis required for conducting research to find out the success of the enterprise. 2075 B.S.

Chapter 3: Research Design

1. State any four features of research design. 2077 B.S.

2. What is research design. 2075 B.S.

Descriptive Answer Questions

1. Describe the basic principles of research design. Also mention the criteria of good research design. 2077 B.S.

2. What do you mean by research design? Describe the major steps used in research design. 2076 B.S.

Chapter 4: Measurement, Scaling and Sampling

Brief Answer Question

1. List out the random sampling techniques. 2076 B.S

2. Differentiate between dependent and independent variables. 2076 / 2074 B.S.

Write Short Note:

a. Likert scale of measurement. 2077 B.S

b. Reliability 2075 B.S

c. Validity 2074 B.S

Chapter 5: Data Collection and Analysis

Brief Answer Questions

1. What is thematic analysis? 2077 B.S

2. How can you collect data from observation method? 2075 B.S

3. Why data collection is important in research? 2074 B.S

4. Differentiate between structured and unstructured questionnaire. 2074 B.S

Descriptive Answer Question

1. Describe the methods of primary data collection. Also write down the source of secondary data. 2077 B.S

2. Explain the methods of primary data collection in management research. 2076 B.S For ans: CLICK HERE

3. Discuss different methods of data analysis techniques. 2075 B.S

Write Short Notes:

a. Importance of pilot testing. 2076 B.S.

b. Interview method of data collection. 2076 B.S

Analytical Answer Question

1. ” Majority of the researches make use of primary sources of data and secondary data source do not really contribute to a scientific inquiry.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain 2076 B.S

2. In an examination of BBS conducted by Tribhuvan University, there is low rate of pass percentage especially in rural areas. prepare a sample design and data collection technique to conduct a research for finding the causes of low pass percentage rate. 2075

Chapter 6: Research proposal and Report writing

Brief Answer Question

1. Write down an example of referencing for book and article in APA format.

Descriptive Answer Question

1. State and explain about research proposal. Discuss the essential steps of proposal writing. 2077 B.S

Analytical Answer Question

1. Explain the purpose and types of research report. Also mention the procedures of writing research report. 2077

2. What is research report? Explain the process of research writing in the field of management research. 2076

3. Prepare a research proposal to conduct research on ” BBS students perception on teaching quality in Tribhuvan University”. 2075

Hence, These are the Old Questions of Business Research Methods.

Other Important Links:

  1. Model Question Paper of Business Research Methods: CLICK HERE