TU BBS 4th year Syllabus & subjects

TU BBS 4th year Syllabus & subjects
TU BBS 4th year Syllabus & subjects

Here is the list of TU BBS 4th year Syllabus & subjects. You can download BBS 4th year all subject notes by CLICKING HERE.

The Faculty of Management (FOM), Tribhuvan University has its ultimate objective of educating students for professional pursuits in business, industry and government.

TU BBS 4th year Syllabus & subjects

In the fourth year, the students are encouraged to focus on a particular function and concentration area of business studies. There is 3 compulsory subject and three optional groups. The compulsory subjects are Entrepreneurship, Business Research Methods, and Final Projecs. Similarly, students need to choose 3 more subjects from any group finance, account, and Marketing.

Following are the Subject in the Account Group

S.NSubjectSubject Code
1EntrepreneurshipMGT 220
2Business Research methodsMGT 221
3Concentration Subject I
4Concentration Subject II
5Concentration Subject III
6Final project MGT 401

The BBS 4th Year offers 4 different groups to the students. They are Finance, Account, Marketing and Management groups.


Following are the subject in Account group

S.NSubjectsSubject Code
1Accounting for BankingACC 250
2Accounting for businessACC 251
3Advance Financial AccountingACC 252
4Advance Auditing ACC 253
5Budgeting and controlling of profitACC 254


Following is the subjects in Finance Group. You have choose three subject from the following subjects.

S.NSubjectsSubjects Code
1Fundamentals of Corporate finance FIN 250
2Commercial bank ManagementFIN 251
3Foundation of financial institutions and marketsFIN 252
4Fundamentals of investment FIN 253
5Insurance and risk management FIN 254


Following is the subjects in Marketing Concentrations.

S.NSubject Subject Code
1Fundamental of SellingMKT 250
2Customer Relationship Management MKT 251
3Foreign Trade and Export Management in NepalMKT 252
4Fundamental of Advertising MKT 253
5Fundamental of service marking MKT 254


Following is the subjects in Management Concentrations.

S.NSubjectSubject Code
1Entrepreneurship and Small business management MGT 250
2International Business MGT 251
3Management of Industrial relations MGT 252
4Productivity managementMGT 253
5Quality Management MGT 254

The main reason to make BBS course is to make students competent in banking and business sectors. Hence, these are the subjects in different concentrations.

Syllabus of Compulsory Subjects:

Business Research Methods: MGT 221

Following is the syllabus of Business Research methods

ChapterChapter NameTime
1Introduction20 LH
2Literature searching and Theoretical Framework 10 LH
3Research Design5 LH
4Measurement, scaling, and Sampling12 LH
5Data Collections and Analysis20 LH
6Research Proposal and Report Writing8 LH

Entrepreneurship and enterprise development: MGT 220

Following is the syllabus of entrepreneurship and enterprise development

ChapterChapter NameTime
1Introduction30 LH
2Women Entrepreneurship12 LH
3Growth of Entrepreneurship15 LH
4Entrepreneurship Competency Development (ECD)13 LH
5Entrepreneurial Venture Creation 30 LH
6Legal Issue Entrepreneurial Venture10 LH
7Financing of Entrepreneurial Venture10 LH
8Institutional Support to Entrepreneurship development30 LH

Hence, these are the subjects and syllabus of compulsory subject of BBS 4th Year.

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