Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)

Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)
Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)

Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) is 4 years course run by Tribhuvan University (TU). We will know BBS course, year wise subject, syllabus, eligibility, fee structure and period of completion.

Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)


Objective of the BBS programme at the FOM is to develop students into competent managers for any sector of organized activity. The programme is based on the principle that graduates will spend a major portion of their life in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, the student should have an opportunity to obtain a broad knowledge of the concepts and reality- based skills underlying the operation and management of organizations. Upon graduation, students should be equipped to function as a manager in business, industry and government. Hence, the graduate should also have a variety of career opportunities

The BBS programme specially attempts to:

  • Equip the students with the required conceptual knowledge of business and administration to develop ageneral management perspective in them.
  • Develop required attitudes, abilities and practical skill in student.
  • Encourage entrepreneurial capabilities in students to make them effective change agents in the Nepalesesociety.
  • Develop necessary foundation for higher studies in management and thereafter take up careers inteaching, research and consultancy.

Hence, these are the reason behind to join the BBS course.

Curricular Structure

The FOM recognizes the need for both breadth and depth in the total academic pattern. Therefore, the curriculum for BBS degree comprises four separate and distinct course components:

  1. A strong foundation allied areas of business such as language, economic analysis, legal environment andquantitative method to prepare graduates to understand, analyze and comprehend the management
    concepts, theories and practices.
  2. Core business studies encompassing and integrating all functional areas to provide graduates with andappreciation of the diversity and inter-relationship of business and management issues.
  3. The opportunity to concentrate in one area of specialization such as accounting, finance, human resources
    management and marketing in order to provide graduates with some degree of functional expertise.

Hence, these are the curricular structure.

Eligibility Conditions for Admission

The candidate applying for admission to the BBS programme:

  1. Must have successfully completed the 10+2 in business/ commerce or an equivalent course from aHigher Secondary School Board or from Tribhuvan University or from other University/ Boardrecognized by T.U or must have studies mathematics or economics as a full paper at the 10+2programme.
  2. Have studied English as a full paper at the 10+2 or equivalent programme.
  3. Must have secured the minimum marks at the 10+2 or equivalent programme as prescribed by the FacultyBoard or campus concerned.
  4. Must satisfy any other entry requirements or criteria as prescribed by the Faculty Board or the campus.

Hence, these are the eligibilty criteria.

Subjects of Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS)

BBS 1st year subject List

Following is the list of Subject

Subject CodeSubjectTeaching Hour
MGT 201Business English150
MGT 202Business Statistics150
MGT 207Microeconomics150
MGT 211Financial Accounting and Analysis150
MGT 213Principle of Management150

For More Details of Syllabus : CLICK HERE

BBS 2nd Year Subjects

Following is the list of subject

S.NSubjectsSubject Code
1Business CommunicationMGT 205
2Macroeconomics for BusinessMGT 209
3Cost and Management AccountingMGT 212
4OB and HRMMGT 223
5Fundamentals of Financial ManagementMGT 215

For More Details of 2nd Year subject syllabus: CLICK HERE

BBS 3rd year subject List

S.NSubjectsSubject Code
1Business lawMGT 204
2Foundation of Financial SystemsMGT 226
3Business Environment and StrategyMGT 217
4Auditing and taxation in NepalMGT 224
5Fundamental of MarketingMGT 214

More details of BBS 3rd Year subject syllabus: CLICK HERE

BBS 4th Year Subject List

S.NSubjectSubject Code
1EntrepreneurshipMGT 220
2Business Research methodsMGT 221
3Concentration Subject I
4Concentration Subject II
5Concentration Subject III
6Final projectMGT 401

For More details: CLICK HERE

Attendance, Evaluation and Grading System

The final evaluation of students is done through the annual examination conducted by the office of the Controller of Examinations, Tribhuvan University. However, for qualifying to appear in the annual examinations, students must meet the following requirements:

a) The student must have a minimum of 70 percent attendance of the classes actually held.

b) No student will be allowed to appear in the second year final examinations without first appearing in thefirst year final examinations.

Hence, The grading system in the annual examinations is as follows:

Third Division: 35 percent

Second Division: 45 percent

First Division: 60 percent

Distinction Division: 75 percent.

Graduation Requirements

The BBS programme extends over four academic years and the BBS degree is awarded on its successful completion. So, All candidates for BBS degree must fulfill the following requirements:

1. The successful completion of 19 courses of 1950 marks and submit a final project report of 50 marks as prescribed with passing grades in all the courses.

2. The passing scores obtained in all theory and practical components of the courses separately.

3. Completion of courses for the fulfillment of BBS programme must occur within the time limit as prescribe by Tribhuvan University.

Other Important Links:

a. BBS 1st year all subject notes: CLICK HERE

b. BBS 2nd year all subject notes: CLICK HERE

c. BBS 4th Year all subject notes: CLICK HERE

d. BBS 3rd year all subject notes: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question:

a. What is first division percentage in BBS?

= 60 percentage or above upto 75% is first dividend is BBS.

b. What is Second division percentage in BBS?

= Percentage above 45% to 59% is second division in BBS.

c. What is third division percentage in BBS?

= Percentage above 35% but upto 44.99% is third division percentage in BBS.

d. What is the total cost of BBS in Nepal?

= If you study in Government colleges than it will cost 15,000 to 20,000 per year. So tal cost will be Rs. 60,000 to Rs.80,000. But in private colleges, per year cost may by Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 70,000. So, private colleges are a bit expensive.

e. How can I join BBS in Nepal?

= BBS is the easy to Join Bachelors degree in Nepal. Student do no need to appear in CMAT. Following is the eligibility to join BBS:

  • Students/ applicants must hold an intermediate or 10+2 degree (in any stream)

f. What can I study after BBS?

= You can study MBS, MBA, LLM etc.There many other course you can join after BBS. But you need to score more than 45% to join MBA in TU affiliated Colleges.

g. Which is the cheapest college for BBS in Nepal?

= Any government College nearby you is among the cheapest BBS college in Nepal.