Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research

We will know about the Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research.

Brief Meaning

Qualitative Research

A research which is concerned with subjective phenomena is known as qualitative research. It is analyzing non-numerical data such as text, video, or audio.

Quantitative Research

A research which is concerned with subjective phenomena is known as qualitative research. It is collecting and analyzing the numerical data. It is opposite of qualitative research.

Qualitative Research Vs Quantitative Research

Following is the difference of these two research method.

Qualitative ResearchQuantitative Research
1. A research which is concerned with subjective phenomena is known as qualitative research1. A research which is concerned with subjective phenomena is known as qualitative research.
2. It focuses on exploring ideas and formulating a theory or hypothesis. 2. It focuses on testing hypothesis and Theories.
3. Its main objective is to gain understanding of underlying reasons, and motivation, provide insights into the setting of a problem and generating ideas. 3. Its main objective is to quantify data and generalize results from a sample to the population of interest.
4. This kind of research requires few respondent. 4. This kind of research requires many respondent.
5. It is analyzing non-numerical data such as text, video, or audio. 5. It is collecting and analyzing the numerical data.
6. Researcher is the data gathering instrument. 6. Researcher uses tools such as questionnaire or equipment for the collection of data.

Hence, these are the major differences.