We have TU MBS 1st Semester Organizational Behaviour Model Question with all the answers. It is one of the course of MBS 1st semester of Tribhuvan University management Faculty.
Program: Master of Business Studies/I semester
Course: MGT. 515 Organizational Behavior
Full Marks: 100
Pass Mark: 50
MBS 1st Semester Organizational Behaviour Model Question
Following is the detail informations
Candidates are required to answer the questions in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in brackets indicate full marks.
Section ‘A’: Case Analysis
1. Carefully read and analyze the case given below and answer the questions that follow: (3×10=30)
Good people – valuable employees – quit their jobs every day. Usually, they leave for better positions elsewhere. Take Anup, an experienced banker in a reputed bank, who scribbled the following remarks on his exit interview questionnaire:
“This job isn’t right for me. I like to have more input on decisions that affect me– more of a chance to show what I can do. I don’t get enough feedback to tell if I’m doing a good job or not, and the company keeps people in the dark about where it’s headed. Basically, I feel like an interchangeable part most of the time”.
In answer to the question about whether the company could have done anything to keep him, Anup replied simply, “Probably not.” Why do so many promising employees leave their jobs? And why do so many others stay on but perform at minimal levels for lack of better alternatives? One of the main reasons – Anup’s reason – can be all but invisible, because it’s so common in many organizations; a system wide failure to keep good people.
Companies should be concerned about employees like Anup. By investing in human capital, they may actually help reduce turnover, protect training investments, increase productivity, improve quality, and reap the benefits of innovative thinking and teamwork.
Human resource professionals and managers can contribute to corporate success by encouraging employees’ empowerment, security, identity, connectedness, and competence. How? By recognizing the essential components of keeping their best people and by understanding what enhances and diminishes those components.
Anup doubts that his company will ever change, but other organizations are taking positive steps to focus on and enhance employee retention. As a result, they are reducing turnover, improving quality, increasing productivity, and protecting their training investments.
a. Sketch the landscape of the above case.
b. How significance is the remarks made by Anup with regard to his decision to quit the job and attitude of the company?
c. What lesson can this company learn from the case of Anup? What can and should it now do?
Section ‘B’: Critical Analysis Questions
Attempts Any three questions 15*3 = 45
2. Critically examine the theoretical frameworks of organizational behavior (OB).
3. What is personality? Discuss the different elements of personality profiling using DISC methodology.
4. What is organizational commitment? Discuss the different dimensions of organizational commitment.
5. Discuss the application of Path Goal Leadership theory in organization.
Section ‘C’: Concept-based Short Answer Questions
Attempt any five questions. (5 x 5 = 25)
6. What are the models of individual behavior? Explain
7. State and explain the linkage between perception and decision making in organization.
8. Describe the implications of self – efficacy in the work place.
9. What are the individual strategies to manage the stress? Explain
10. State and explain any five conflict resolution strategies.
11. Distinguish between organization development intervention at individual level and organizational level.
Hence, these are the MBS 1st Semester Organizational Behaviour Model Question.
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