MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal

MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal
MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal

We have information on the MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal. There are three to four groups MBS fourth semester. Like finance group, account group, tax group, management group, etc. Many campuses may not have many groups but most have.

MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal

Following are the MBS Thesis Format for the Research Proposal.

a. Download MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal: CLICK HERE

b. MBS thesis proposal sample pdf.

Format for Research Proposal

The Research Directorate, T.U., considers it essential that research proposals submitted for acceptance and financial grants conform to a prescribed format. The main aim of requiring an acceptable format for writing a research proposal is to have all the important features appear in appropriately acceptable details. It may often be difficult to write down all kinds of research proposals strictly within the descriptions and categories fixed by a prescribed format. To an extent, the format as developed below indicates the significant aspects that may not be missed in any proposal. We hope that it will provide broad guidelines for drawing up a research proposal. It does not, however, limit the size and content of any proposal if the researcher feels that other relevant details also need to add.

In general, the research proposal should contain a full description of all the facets of the work.

1. Researcher’s Personal Information:

The Researcher’s Personal Information Such as Name, Designation, Office Address, Mobile No., Email ID, Subject, Department, and Faculty/Institute of TU should be only on the cover page including the title of the Research Proposal, Not mentioned in other page of Research Proposal. 2nd Page of the Research Proposal must contain the Title of the Research Proposal including introduction, objectives, etc.

2. Title of the Study

The title should appropriately reflect the nature and scope of the proposed study.

3. Introduction / Background of the study

A brief but clearly stated introduction or background of the study should be submitted. Introduction / Background should reflect the scope of the proposed study.

Read More: MBS thesis Sample and Example.

4. Statement of the Problem

“A question well stated is a question half answered”. The problem of the research question is, therefore, an interrogative statement in terms of the relation that exists between a set of variables. It should be stated clearly and unambiguously so as to permit empirical testing. Above all the problem should not be stated too generally or too narrowly. Most importantly, where the problem lies (the problem that guides the study) should be clearly stipulated in terms of the background and development within the scope of the proposed question (a historical perspective is necessary).

5. Purpose of the Study/Objective of the Study.

The study problem should be identified by clearly stating its background, setting or environment, and the need for the study. Then, its importance should be clarified with reference to its practical application to policy decisions or to the illumination of concepts and theories of development. Within the felt needs of the study, the specific objectives for undertaking the project should be spelled -out clearly. They should be identified precisely in terms of the variables and parameters under study and formulated in the manner of questions. Where general objectives are felt desirable, specific sub-objectives must be frame within each general objective in a logical sequence.

Read More: MBS thesis Sample and Example.

6. Review of Literature

One undertakes this in order to find out what work has already been done in the areas of the research problem under study. It also helps minimize the risk of dead ends, choice of rejected methods, etc, promotes a greater understanding of the problem under study, provides comparative data to evaluate and interpret the significance of findings, and enforces fruitful sources of hypothesis. This section is vitally necessary.

7. Conceptual / Operation Definition

( if needed) This is necessary to strengthen the conceptual clarity which should ensure the validity and reliability of the concept.

8. Test Hypotheses ( if needed)

A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of relations (based on the statement of the problem and the objective of the study) between two or more variables in either negative or positive terms. It should be neither too general nor too specific. However, it should specify how the variables are related.

9. Methodology/Theoretical Framework / Conceptual Framework/ Limitations

It should correspond to the order in which each of the objectives listed is to be attacked in terms of the essential hypothesis to be used: how and what data are to be generated and processed. What methods of analysis should be used? What assumptions are being put into effect by the inquiry?

Read More: MBS thesis proposal sample pdf: CLICK HERE

10. Manpower Planning

A detailed workout of manpower needs should be stated in terms of the job description, desired qualification of the personnel, and their experience. Indication of the statement of functions, duties, and responsibilities should be clearly indicated. The time for which manpower is needed should be worked out in man-days for different phases of the project.

11. Scheduling of Time

Different phases of the research project should be clearly state in working weeks or months, preferably in a diagrammatic presentation (CPM, PERT, or BARGRAM). Thus, it should be able to provide monitoring authorities with close estimates of the entire project time. It should mention the probable time schedule between the inception and conclusion of the project in accordance with the T.U. Evaluation Format.

Read More: MBS thesis Sample and Example.

12. Chapter Plan:

(indicative) Chapter Plan should indicate the total number of chapters and pages, individual chapter titles, including subheadings and pages for each chapter. This helps both project planning and logistical support activities of the Research Division.

13. Budgeting/Estimate of Expenses.

Students can spend a certain amount for the preparation of the thesis. These include payments as salaries and allowances according to levels of expertise, travel allowances, and purchase of equipment. Students need to prepare thesis by collection of data by visiting different office and places.

Read More: MBS thesis Sample and Example.

14. Resume

A recent and brief resume in English is necessary from each and every researcher. It should not be more than two double-spaced pages.

15. Arranging References and Footnotes

The list of the literature reviewed and the source from which items are quoted should be serially organized at the end of the proposal.

16. Appendix/Annex (if needed)

All the data charts etc that are being use for the preparation of the proposal will have to be include systematically with due emphasis on source citation.

17. Reporting

In the course of the work, the researcher is require to submit progress reports to the Research Center and to the Dean of the concerne Institute. The Research Center also holds exclusive rights to the publication of the results of the research report regularly.

Hence, these are the MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal.

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a. Download MBS Thesis Format for Research Proposal: CLICK HERE

b. MBS thesis proposal sample pdf: CLICK HERE.

c. MBS 4th Semester Exam routine 2081.

d. MBS 4th Semester syllabus and subject list.

e. MBS 4th Semester model questions.