We have collected TU BIM 7th Semester Management Information System Exam Question Paper 2079.
Management Information System Question Paper 2079
Following are the details question paper
University: Tribhuvan University (TU)
Full Marks: 40
Pass Marks: 20
Time: 2 hrs
Subject Code: IT 226
Subject: Management Information System
Candidates are required to answer all the questions in their own words as far as possible.
Group: ”A”
1. Brief Answer Questions:
I. Differentiate between e-business and e-commerce.
ii. List out different components of an information system.
iii. List out competitive forces for achieving competitive advantage.
iv. What do you mean by business process reengineering?
v. Define virtual company.
vi. Why data in the data warehouses are non-volatile and subject-oriented?
vii. List out any two characteristics of the transaction processing system.
viii. What do you mean by interactive marketing?
ix. How sales automation helps to gain strategic advantages in sales productivity and marketing responsiveness.
x. Differentiate between unstructured, semi-structured, and structured decision-making.
Group: ”B”
Short Answer Question
2. What are the activities and examples of different types of analytical modeling?
3. What are several e-business applications that you might recommend to a small company to help it survive and succeed in challenging economic times? Why?
4. What is the advantage of a knowledge management system for sustaining the competitive advantage?
5. How does the organization is benefitted by the use of the Financial Management System?
6. What are the key components of a CRM system? What is the business purpose of each of them?
Group: ”C”
7. Why is there a trend towards cross-functional integrated enterprise in business? Explain.
8. How Decision Support System helps the manager to improve their decision-making capabilities? Explain with an example.
Other Important Links:
Other 7th Semester Subject Exam Question Paper of 2079.
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