BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject
BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

We have detail information of TU BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus pdf and Subject list. There are five subjects in BIM third Semester.

BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the BIM 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject.

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeLecture HourCredit Hour
Business StatisticsSTT 20148 Hrs3 Hrs
Web Technology IIT23748 Hrs3 Hrs
Financial AccountingACC 20148 Hrs3 Hrs
Microprocessor and Computer ArchitectureIT 23648 Hrs3 Hrs
Data Structure and AlgorithmsIT 23848 Hrs3 Hrs

For PDF of BIM third semester syllabus: CLICK HERE

Business Statistics

Following are the syllabus of Business Statistics.

UnitsName of the Chapter
1Describing Data using Graphs and Tables
2Describing Data Using Numerical Measures
3Simple Linear Correlation Analysis
4Simple Linear Regression Analysis
6Probability Distributions
7Sampling Theory
9Introduction to Hypothesis Testing

Web Technology I

The main objective of this course is to provide students both theoretical and practical knowledge of different technologies.

Following are the syllabus of Web Technology I.

UnitsName of the Units
1Web Essentials
2Markup Language
3Style Sheet Language
4Client-Side Scripting
5eXtensible Markup Language

Financial Accounting

The main objective of this course is to provide in-depth knowledge and understanding of basic principles, concept and practices of financial accounting.

Following are the syllabus of Financial Accounting.

UnitsName of the Chapters
1Basic Understanding of Financial Accounting
2Conceptual Framework of Accounting
3Accounting Process
4Accounting for Cash and Bank Reconciliation Statements
5Accounting for Property, Plant and Equipment
6Basic Financial Statements
7Value Added Statement
8Analysis of Financial Statement

Microprocessor and Computer Architecture

The main objective of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge of microprocessors and computer architecture.

Following are the syllabus of Microprocessor and Computer Architecture.

UnitsName of the Chapters
1Introduction to Microprocessor
2Intel 8085
4Central Processing Unit and Control Unit and
6Computer Arithmetic
7Input and Output Organization
8Memory Organization

Data Structure and Algorithms

Following are the syllabus of Data Structure and Algorithms.

UnitsName of the Chapter
1Introduction to data structure and algorithms
2Linked Lists
9Searching and Hashing

If you have any subject notes than you can send us through CLICK HERE.

Other Important Links:

a. BIM 3rd semester model Question Paper: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Questions.

What are the subjects in BIM 3rd semester in Nepal?

  • Business Statistics
  • Web Technology I
  • Financial Accounting
  • Microprocessor and Computer Architecture
  • Data Structure and Algorithms