BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus

BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus
BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus

These are the TU BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus. BIM means bachelor’s of information management.

BIM first Semester all subjects with Syllabus

Following is the 1st semester all subjects

S.NSubjectSubject Code
1English CompositionENG 201
2Principle of Management MGT 201
3Basic MathematicsMTH 201
4Computer Information SystemIT 211
5Digital Logic Design IT 212

English Composition: ENG 201

Following is the syllabus of English Composition.

Chapter UnitTime
16 LH
26 LH
38 LH
46 LH
56 LH
68 LH
720 LH

Computer Information System: ICT 211

Following is the syllabus of Computer Information System

ChapterChapter NameContentTime
1Introduction to Computer System1. Introduction to computer
2. Characteristics of computer
3. Types of Computers
4. Use of Computer
5. Input output Devices
6. CPU
7. Bus and its Type
8. Storage
9. Software
13 LH
2Programming Language1. Machine Language and assembly Language
2. High level and low-level language
3. Assemblers, Compilers, and interpreter
4. Problem solving and programming
5. Structured Programming
7. Scripting Language
6 LH
3Computer System Development 1. Investigation
2. Analysis
3. Design
4. Implementation
5. Documentation
4 LH
4Multimedia 1. What is Multimedia?
2. Use of multimedia
3. Image Quality
4. Image file format (TIF, JPEG, GIF)
5. Animation
6. Audio
2 LH
5Network and Communication1. Overview of Network
2. Types of transmission
3. Network topologies
4. Communication media
5. Types of networks
6. Network Protocol
4 LH
6Introduction to the Internet1. IP address and Domain Name System (DNS)
2. Client Server Architecture
3. Hyper Text Transfer protocol (HTTP)
4. Electronic Mail (E-mail)
5. File transfer protocol
6. World wide web (WWW)
7. Remote Login (TELNET)
8. Static and Dynamic web pages
9. Search Engine
4 LH
7Data Processing and data base1. Data processing
2. Database
3. Data Mining
4. Data ware housing
5 LH
8Artificial Intelligence 1. Introduction
2. Application
3. Neural Networks
4. Genetic Algorithms
5. Expert System
3 LH
9Computer Crime and Safety Measure 1. Computer Crime
2. Software piracy
3. Anti-Piracy
4. Computer Virus, Worm, Spyware
5. Ethical Issue in Computer
6. Cyber Law
7. Network Security
8. Data and message security
4 LH

Digital Logic Design

Following is the syllabus of the Digital Logic Design

Chapter Chapter NameContentTime
1Number Systems, Operations and codes1. Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number System
2. Conversion from one number system to another
3. Complements of Number system
4. Additional and Subtraction of Binary Numbers
5. Digital Codes
6. Error Detection Codes
2Digital Design Fundamentals 1. Digital And analog Quantities
2. Binary Digits, Logic Operation, Logic Level, and Digital waveforms
3. Introduction to the system concept
4. Logic Gates
5. Boolean Algebra and logic simplification
6. Minimizing SOP and POS expression using K-map
3Functions of combination logic1. Adders and subtracters
2. Parallel Binary Adders
3. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers
4. Encoders and decoders
5. Seven segment decoders
6. code converters
4Latches and Flip flops1. Latches
2. Edge Triggered Flip flops
3. Flip flop Operating characteristics
4. Flip Flop Application
5Counters1. Asynchronous Counters
2. Synchronous Counters
3. Up down counters
4. Cascaded counters
5. Counter Application
6Shift Registers 1. Basic Shift Register Operators
2. Shift Register Types
3. Bidirectional Shift register
4. Shift Register Counters
7Sequential Machine Design1. State diagrams and state tables
2. Design of Synchronous Counters
3. Design of sequence recognizers
4. Analysis of Synchronous Circuits
8Memories1. Basic Memory Operations
2. Types of memories
9Programmable logic Devices1. Introduction to various programmable devices
10Integrated Circuit Technologies1. Basic Operation Characteristics and Parameters
3. Levels of integration

Principle of Management: MGT 201

Following is the syllabus of the Principle of Management

ChapterChapter NameTime
1Introduction4 LH
2Perspective in Management8 LH
3Planning7 LH
4Organizing8 LH
5Leading7 LH
6Controlling10 LH
7Organizational Change and Development4 LH

Basic Mathematics: MTH 201

Following is the syllabus of the Basic Mathematics

Chapter Chapter NameTime
1Set Theory and Real Number System 6 LH
2Complex Numbers4 LH
3Functions, Limits, and Continuity6 LH
4Differentiation and its application9 LH
5Integrations and its application6 LH
6Differential Equations6 LH
7Vectors5 LH
8Matrics and Determinants 8 LH

Hence, these are the syllabus of BIM 1st semester.

Other Important Links

BIM first Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE

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