TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions

TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions
TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions

We have information on the TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions pdf for the new course. There are subjects in BIM fifth semester. They are Artificial Intelligence, Software Design and Development, Programming with Python, Information Security, and Fundamentals of Marketing.

TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions PDF

Following are the TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions of the new course.

S.NName of the SubjectsCode of SubjectsCredit hours
1Artificial IntelligenceIT 2283
2Software Design and DevelopmentIT 2423
3Programming with PythonIT 2433
4Information SecurityIT 2443
5Fundamentals of MarketingMKT 2013

Important: Download Full TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions: CLICK HERE.

IT 228:Artificial Intelligence

Group A

Brief answer questions: Attempt all questions. (10 X 1=10)

1. What is Cognitive Science?

2. How does Rule rule-based agent work?

3. Define Omniscience.

4. Define the Constraint satisfaction problem with an example.

5. What is the CNF form?

6. How do you define fuzzy logic?

7. Define Version space.

8. What is a rational agent?

9. What do you mean by Machine Learning?

10. “NLP is an important field in AI” Why?

Important: Download Full TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions: CLICK HERE.

IT 242: Software Design and Development

Group A

Brief answer questions: Attempt all questions. (10 X 1=10)

1. What is system analysis?

2. What is a Gantt chart?

3. Define feasibility study.

4. Define process model.

5. Why do you need a decision table?

6. Compare form with report.

7. What are interaction devices?

8. Define pilot installation.

9. What is system maintenance?

10. Why do you need a use-case diagram?

IT 243: Programming with Python

Group A

Brief answer questions: Attempt all questions. (10 X 1=10)

1. What is the virtual environment?

2. What are the uses of a pass statement?

3. What is a tuple data type?

4. What is the frozen set data type?

5. Define lambda function.

6. What is an abstract class?

7. What are the uses of with statement?

8. Define array broadcasting.

9. What is the data frame in the panda’s library?

10. List any four Python web development frameworks.

Hence, these are the TU BIM 5th Semester Model Questions for the new course.

IT 244: Information Security

Group “A”

Brief answer questions: Attempt all questions. (10 x 1=10)

1. What is the primary goal of computer security?

2. Define an attack surface in the context of security.

3. What is the significance of prime numbers in cryptography?

4. Differentiate between symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.

5. What is the primary purpose of a digital signature?

6. What is the purpose of two-factor authentication?

7. Define intrusion prevention system.

8. What is a backdoor?

9. What is the primary purpose of a firewall?

10. Why security audit is essential?

MKT 201: Fundamentals of Marketing

Group “A”

Brief Answer Questions: [10× 2 = 20]

1. Point out any four core concepts of marketing.

2. What are the fundamental principles of the new marketing concept?

3. Write down the steps of the organizational buying process.

4. What is internal marketing?

5. Enlist the steps of the marketing research process.

6. What is proactive marketing?

7. Give the meaning of the marketing environment.

8. Point out the marketing mix components for the service product.

9. What are the reasons to use a mixed channel?

10. Give any four examples of sales promotion tools used in the Nepalese market.

Other Important Links

a. Download Full BIM 5th Semester Model Questions: CLICK HERE.