IT entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Question of 2079

IT entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Question of 2079
IT entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Question of 2079

We have TU BIM 8th semester IT entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Question paper of 2079

IT entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management Question of 2079

Following are the more details

Full Marks: 60

Pass Mark: 30

Time : 3 hours

Semester: 8th

Subject Code: IT 229

Subject: IT Entrepreneurship and Supply Chain Management

Candidates are required to answer all the questions in their own words as far as practicable.

Group: “A”

1. Brief Answer Question [10*1 = 10 ]

I. Define entrepreneur

ii. Why is a marketing plan essential for a business?

iii. What do you mean by supply chain management?

iv. List the role of IT in supply chain coordination.

v. List the obstacles in achieving strategic fit.

vi. What do you mean by pricing driver?

vii. What role does distribution play in the supply chain?

viii. List the role of IT in forecasting.

ix. What do you mean by total cost strategy?

x. Mention any two challenges of supply chain globalization.

Group: ”B”

Short Answer Question [6*5 = 30 ]

2. Explain the ethics and social responsibilities of entrepreneurs.

3. What is the impact of employee self-services (ESS) in supply chain drivers?

4. Explain the framework for structuring supply chain drivers.

5. How e-business can be implemented in distribution networks?

6. Explain the bullwhip effect with one example.

7. Describe the key entrepreneurial supply chain strategies.

Group: ”C”

Comprehensive Questions:

8. What do you mean by the business plan? Explain the elements for the preparation of the business plan.

9. Describe the different design options for a distribution network. What factors have an impact on network design decisions? Explain.

Other Important Links:

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