Economics of Information and Communication Question paper of 2079

Economics of Information and Communication Question paper of 2079
Economics of Information and Communication Question paper of 2079

We have TU BIM 8th Semester Economics of Information and Communication Exam Question paper of 2079. 2022.

Economics of Information and Communication Question paper of 2079

Full Marks: 60

Pass Marks: 30

Time: 3 hours

Subject Code: IT 230

Subject: Economics of Information and Communication

Candidates are required to answer all the questions in their own words as far as practicable.

Group: “A”

1. Brief Answer Question [10*1 = 10 ]

I. List out any two technological changes in a global economy.

ii. What do you mean by information revolution?

iii. Differentiate between transaction cost and agency cost.

iv. What do you mean by customization of browser?

v. Define the internet economy.

vi. What is a negative externality?

vii. Define the internet economy.

viii. What do you mean by product personalization?

ix. Define Speculations.

X. What do you mean by backward compatibility?

Group: “B”

Short Answer Question: [ 6*5 = 30]

2. What are the two basic tactics played in standard wars? Explain.

3. ” Price information according to its value, not its cost” Explain.

4. Define versioning. Explain Goldilocks pricing with an example.

5. How do you ignite positive feedback? Explain.

Explain the key information resources that are essential for future information environments.

7. Write short notes on:

a. Switching costs.

b. Moral Hazard Problems.

Group: “C”

Comprehensive Question: [2*10 = 20 ]

8. How technology can enable resilience during continual disruption. Explain in context with recent scenarios.

9. What are the ten technological shifts that we have experienced in an internet economy? Explain in detail.

Other Important Links:

Subject-wise question paper of 2079.

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