Sample of Cover Letter (CV) and Resume for job application

Sample of Cover Letter (CV) and Resume for job application
Sample of Cover Letter (CV) and Resume for job application

We have detailed information on Sample of a Cover Letter (CV) and Resume for job application. These are just the examples of CV’s and resumes.

Sample of Cover Letter (CV) and Resume for job application

Following are the samples of CV and Resume.

Sample of CV

An Application letter or Cover Letter (CV) is a formally written one-page letter that accompanies a resume and other requested documentation in application for a job and academic program. It highlights the qualifications that prepare the writer for a job or academic program acceptance. There are two types of CVs:

a. Solicited Application Letter:

A solicited CV is something you make when you are applying for a posted job Opening.

b. Unsolicited Application letter

It is written to an organization that has not announced a Job vacancy.

Tips to Write Effective Application

The following are the points to be noted:

  • Include results, achievements, and accomplishments.
  • Keep all information current and up to date.
  • Do not stretch the truth.
  • Do not use abbreviations or acronyms.
  • Use present tense only for the current positions.


Sample of Resume

A resume is a brief summary of a candidate who is searching for a job in which he/she includes qualifications, contact information and work experience. It is also a marketing piece that presents you in the best possible light.

There are 3 types of resumes. They are:

  • Chronological Resume.
  • Functional Resume.
  • Chronological Resume.


Hence, these are the sample of CV and Sample of Resume.

Other Important Links:

a. MBS 1st Semester All subject Notes: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Questions:

a. What is a Resume?

= A resume is a brief summary of a candidate in which qualifications, Contact information, and work experience are available.

b. What is a CV?

= CV is a document that highlights the achievement of the Job Seeker.