BBS 3rd year Model Question Paper Pdf

BBS 3rd year Model Question Paper Pdf
BBS 3rd year Model Question Paper Pdf

We have TU BBS 3rd year Model Question Paper Pdf. There are five subjects in BBS third year.

The subjects of bbs third year are Fundamental of Marketing, Foundaion of Financial system, Business Law, Taxation and auditing, and Business Environment and Strategy.

BBS 3rd year Model Question Paper Pdf

Following is the detail information:

S.NSubjectsSubject CodeLecture HoursCredit HoursModel Question
1Business lawMGT 20448 Hrs3 HrsCLICK HERE
2Foundation of Financial SystemsMGT 22648 Hrs3 HrsCLICK HERE
3Business Environment and StrategyMGT 21748 Hrs3 HrsCLICK HERE
4Auditing and taxation in NepalMGT 22448 Hrs3 HrsCLICK HERE
5Fundamental of MarketingMGT 21448 Hrs3 HrsComing Soon

Hence, these are the five subjects of BBS third year. Among them, You can download or read the model question paper or old question paper of respective subjects. You can download those question paper as well to use as per your time table.

All subject si of 100 marks and pass marks is 35. You need to score 35 to pass in a single as well as 35% in overall to pass the year.

If you are BBS third year students than these question paper will be very useful for your exam preparation. Somethimes old questions as well comes in exam. There is huge change to repitation of question in our examination system.

If you have any problem of syllabus, old question paper, and notes of BBS 3rd year than you can contact us. For More Details Visit Us: CLICK HERE

Other Important Links:

a. BBS 3rd year All subject Notes: CLICK HERE

b. BBS 3rd year syllabus: CLICK HERE

c. BBS 3rd year Business Environment Nepali Notes PDF: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Questions:

a. BBS third year all subjects model question paper.

b. BBS third 3rd year old question paper.