BHM 1st Semester English Notes Pdf

BHM 1st Semester English Notes Pdf
BHM 1st Semester English Notes Pdf

We have detail inofmration of TU BHM 1st Semester English Notes Pdf. It is one of the subject of BHM first semester.

BHM 1st Semester English Notes Pdf

Following are the detail information of the syllabus.

UnitsChapter NameLecture Hour
1The following pieces carry 70% weightages of the course
1. Invitation
2. Ancient Tales
3. Education
4. Actions and Consequences
5. Television
6. Cross cultural bridges
7. Cultural Anthropology
8. Natural Science
9. Humor and satire
10. The human condition
11. Critical and Creative thinking
12. Love
13. Life and death

2The following pieces carry 30% weightage of this course
1. Paragraph to short Essay
2. Descriptive Essay
3. Narrative Essay
4. Opinion Essay
5. Comparison and contrast essays
6. Causes and effect essay
7. The writing process
8. Punctuation
9. connectors
10. Grammars terms

BHM first semester English summery of poem , story , literatures are presented to you. For PDF: CLICK HERE

30% of the course is grammer and remaining 70% is essay, poem or writing.

Other Important Links

a. BHM first semester syllabus: CLICK HERE

b. BHM first Semester Model Question: CLICK HERE

c. BHM first Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE

d. BHM 1st Semester all subject Notes PDF: CLICK HERE