How to check Master CMAT / result scores for MBS

How to check Master CMAT / result scores for MBS
How to check Master CMAT / result scores for MBS

We will the How to check Master CMAT / result scores for MBS. MBS Means Master of Business Studies. There are several steps you need to follow to check the results.

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How to check Master CMAT / result scores for MBS

Steps on how to check Master CMAT scores for MBS, MBA, and other master level exams

Step 1: Visit the TU website at

Step 2: Click on Master CMAT.

Step 3: You will see the CMAT 2022 Examination Result Check dashboard.

Step 4: Enter your Roll No. and enter either your email or phone that you provided in the application.

Step 5: After entering the details, the score will be shown.

Students can soon collect their score card from the respective college where they filled out the registration form.

Keep the scorecard safe and sound for future reference.

If you are having any issues, contact your respective college from where you have filled out the form.
