Model Question Answer of Human Resources Management


We will know the Model Question Answer of Human Resources Management.

Model Question Answer of Human Resources Management

Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 35

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. the figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group ‘A’ : Brief Answer Questions ( 2*10 = 20 )

Attempt All Questions

1. Write any five objectives of human resource management.

2. What is human resource planning? Answer: CLICK HERE

3. Define job and task.

4. Differentiate between recruitment and selection.

5. State the concept of human resource development.

6. What do you mean by frustration?

7. What do you know about gain sharing?

8. Give a brief concept of alternative ranking.

9. What is employee grievance?

10. Who are the actors of industrial relations?

Group ‘B’: Short Answer Questions (5*10 = 50)

Attempt any five questions:

11. Explain characteristics of human resource management.

12. What is human resource planning? Explain its characteristics.

13. “Job Analysis is the procedure through which you determine the duties of these positions and the characteristics of the people to hire them”. Describe with illustrations.

14. Explain what is meant by reliability and validity. Why these are important in the testing process?

15. What is socialization? Evaluate the process of socialization.

16. Describe and illustrate how training and development practices are followed in Nepal organizations.

Group ‘C’: Comprehensive Questions ( 2*15 = 30 )

Attempt any TWO Questions:

17. Different incentive plans are particularly suited to reward individual employees and teams. What do you know about these incentive plans? Also, discuss the qualities of effective rewards.

18. “Motivation is critical to work performance and productivity. Even when people have clear work objectives, the right skills, and a supportive work environment, they won’t get the job done without sufficient motivation to achieve those work objectives. ” In line with these statements discuss the importance of motivation theories.

19. ” Discipline is a procedure that corrects or punishes a subordinate because a rule or procedure has been violated”. With this statement in mind describe the types of discipline problems and the way to administer the discipline.

Other Important Links:

Job Vacancy in Nepal: CLICK HERE