Process of Human Resource Planning

Process of Human Resource Planning
Process of Human Resource Planning

We know about the Process of Human Resource Planning.


“The process of forecasting the organization’s demand for and supply of manpower needs in the near future is known as Human Resource Planning Process “

Process of Human Resource Planning

Following are the step to achieve the human resource planning:

  • Assessing Current Human Resource
  • Demand Forecasting
  • Supply Forecasting
  • Matching demand and supply of human resources
  • Action plans

a. Assessing Current Human Resource

First of all, we should look after the current status of the organization’s human resources. Hence, internal analysis helps to know the number of employees, the company has and their skills. So, Internal Resource Inventory and Job Analysis help HR managers to assess the current human resource situation in an organization.

b. Demand Forecasting

After analyzing the current status of manpower the company has. Hence, they have forecast whether the available employee is enough for the near future for the operation of the organization. Moreover, these steps help to forecast the quantity and quality of employees. So, demand forecasting consists of the organization’s objectives and policies.

c. Supply Forecasting

Supply forecasting measures the number of employees internally available. But if the available employee is not enough then it should be recruited externally. Hence, it estimates the future source of manpower in the organization. Moreover, the human resource demand of an organization can be fulfilled from the two sources of Suppy. They are Internal Supply and External Supply.

d. Matching demand and Supply of Human resources

This step makes the balance between demand and supply. Hence, it helps the organization in shortages and overstaffing. If there is a shortage of manpower then the organization needs to increase the manpower. On the other hand, if there is overstaffing the HR manager should decrease the manpower through a different technique. Such as cutting the wages, etc. hence, it’s the duty of the HR manager to recruit the different people for different positions from inside or outside the organization.

e. Actions plans:

It is the final step, where HR managers make decisions on the basis of research to meet the needs of human resources. To the organization smoothly, quality and quality of human resources play a great role. Hence, Human Resource planning becomes successful if there is a balance between quantitative and qualitative approaches to HR planning.

Hence, these are the Steps of the Human Resource Planning Process.

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