TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF

TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF
TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF

We have information on the TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF of the new course. There are five subjects in MBM’s third Semester. The full form of MBM is Master of Business Management.

TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF

Following are the TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF.

Subjects of MBM 3rd Semester

  • Business Research Methodology.
  • Sectoral Management Elective.
  • Concentration I.
  • Concentration II.
  • Concentration III.

Read More: TU MBM 3rd Semester Model Questions PDF.

S.NName of the SubjectsSubject Code
1Research Methodology for BusinessMBM 512
2Innovation and EntrepreneurshipMBM 513
3Financial Reporting and TaxationMBM 514
4Practicum on Business Plan DevelopmentMBM 515
5International BusinessMBME 581
6Knowledge ManagementMBME 581
7Commercial Bank ManagementMBME 583
8Insurance and Risk ManagementMBME 585
9Microfinance and Cooperative ManagementMBME 586
10E-Business and Business AnalyticsMBME 587
11Public Policy AnalysisMBME 589
12Project Management and Sustainable DevelopmentMBME 590
13Strategic Brand ManagementMBME 591
14Services MarketingMBME 592
15Management Control SystemsMBME 594
16Cost ManagementMBME 595
17New Venture and Social EntrepreneurshipMBME 597
18Entrepreneurship Development and Small Business ManagementMBME 598
19Real Estate and Corporate FinanceMBME 599

Download TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF: CLICK HERE.

Grading System

Following is the grading system of TU MBM.

Grade CGPA % Equivalent Performance Remarks
A4.090 and aboveDistinction
A-3.780-89.9 Distinction
B+3.370-79.9 First Division
B3.060- 69.9 Second Division
B-2.750- 59.9Pass in individual course
F0Below 50 Fail

MBM: 512 Research Methodology for Business

The purpose of the course is to introduce concepts and methods of social science research including advanced research tools and techniques. Students will be able to learn and apply various methods for conducting research.

Learning strategies/ tools for pedagogy/ ongoing evaluation

The following tools for pedagogy are recommended to faculties and instructors to facilitate in the classrooms. The instructor should strictly follow the ongoing evaluation and assessment process as per the following dimensions:

  • Case and research-based article presentation.
  • Term paper writing ( theoretical and conceptual).
  • Project work ( research and empirical).
  • Application and case-based assignment.
  • Research proposal preparation.
Course Contents
UnitsName of the UnitsContents of Units
1Introduction to Research Concept, purpose, and types of research; Scientific research – meaning, characteristics, and steps. Management research – nature, purpose, steps, and types.
2Literature ReviewLiterature review – purpose and steps; searching, obtaining, and evaluating the literature, literature search through the Internet, Systematic literature review(SLR).
3Problem Definition and Hypothesis FormulationConcept and steps in problem formulation; Formats of stating research problems. Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, Designing and developing theoretical/conceptual framework.
4Research DesignDefinition; elements of a research design and framework. Types of research design – descriptive, explanatory, exploratory, and experimental research designs.
5Measurement, Scaling and SamplingVariables – concept and types; Measurement and scales. Scale construction and attitude measurement; scales and techniques commonly used in business and management research. Validity and reliability of measurement; Sampling – concept, probability and non-probability sampling.
6Quantitative and Qualitative Research MethodsIntroduction and concept of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Differences between quantitative and qualitative research. Areas for quantitative research and qualitative research; Qualitative research designs.
7Data Collection and AnalysisData and its types; Sources of primary and secondary data. Questionnaire – principles, components and types – format and types. Research interviews; e-research using the Internet and websites to collect data from individuals.
8Research Proposals and Report WritingResearch proposal: concept and types of the research proposal. guidelines for writing a research proposal; components of the research proposal. Research report – concept, process, types, and procedure for writing research reports.

Hence, these are the TU MBM 3rd Semester Syllabus PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions

a. List of Subjects of MBM 3rd semester?

= Following are the subjects of MBM third semester:

  • Business Research Methodology.
  • Sectoral Management Elective.
  • Concentration I.
  • Concentration II.
  • Concentration III.