4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects

4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects
4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects

We have information on the new 4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects. There are five subjects in MBM 4th Semester on the new syllabus.

New 4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects

Following are the 4th Semester MBM Syllabus.

S.NName of the SubjectSubject CodeCreditSubject Hours
1Public Policy Analysis.MBME 589232
2Cost Management.MBME 595348
3Project Management and Sustainable Development.MBME 590232
4Business Simulation Practicum.MBM 518116
5Practicum on Doing Business in Nepal.MBM 520116
6Economic Diplomacy and Global EconomyMBM 517232
7Management Control SystemsMBME 594348

MBME 589: Public Policy Analysis

Course Contents

UnitsTitleContentsLecture Hours
1Understanding Public Policy.Fundamentals of public policy: concepts and process, forms of public policy, multidisciplinary policy analysis, practice of policy analysis and critical thinking and public policy; Theory of public choice, Theoretical approaches to public policy: elite theory, group theory, political systems theory and institutionalism, policy output analysis, incremental theory, and rational-choice theory.8
2Emerging Trends in Public Policy.Role of government: government response to market failure, price regulation, and regulation of environment pollution; Policymaking in the liberal democratic states; privatization, globalization, and public policy; and multilateralism and public policy-making.7
3Perspectives of Public Policy.Political power; Pluralism; Corporatism; Marxism; and Professionalism; Positivism and post- positivism; Reframing public policy; and Constraints on public policy: economic, institutional, and socio-cultural.7
4Seminar on Contemporary Public Policies in National and International Context.Economic liberalization, privatization, and globalization; approaches and practices of public-private partnership and fiscal federalism; sustainable development goals; global environmental issues: drivers of climate change, key issues, and barriers to growth of the green economy; digital transformation and e-governance practices in Nepal; public policy planning and implementation practices in Nepal.10

MBME 595: Cost Management

1IntroductionConcept, importance, characteristics, and limitations of cost management. Strategic role of cost management; Cost management and Strategic decision making. Formulation of strategic action plans. Evaluation of plans and outcomes: benefit-cost analysis and benefit & cost variance.3
2Product Costing System.Concept and types of cost. Cost reported in a financial statement: service, retail, and manufacturing company.3
3Activity-Based Costing.Concept, advantages, and limitations of activity-based costing system. Procedures of absorption of overhead cost under ABC, Estimation of costs of new products using ABC, Cost, and benefit of using ABC Concept, importance and process of activity-based budgeting (ABB). Meaning of capacity, capacity utilization, and managing capacity.8
4Target Costing and Kaizen Costing.Concept, importance, and process of Target costing, Key principles of target costing, Implementation of target costing, Target costing, and ABC Concept and Kaizen costing.6
5Life Cycle Costing.Concept and importance of life cycle costing, Product life cycle; Pricing products using the product life cycle, Product life cycle and ABC; Benefits of life cycle costing, Life cycle budgeting.6
6Just in Time (JIT) Inventory Management.Concept and importance of inventory management; Inventory-related performance evaluation in traditional. Concept, objectives, importance, and limitations of Just in Time. JIT manufacturing, Implementing JIT in manufacturing and non-manufacturing situations.5
7Theory of Constraints (TOC).Concept, importance, and limitations of TOC; Steps in TOC for improving performance; Internal and external constraints; Accounting issues in TOC.3
8Total Quality Management (TQM).Concept, features, importance, and types of (TQM). Traditional approach to quality vs. TQM; Critical success factors for TQM; Measuring and reporting quality costs.6
9Process Costing and Cost Allocation.Concept, importance, and characteristics of process costing system, Assignment, and estimating costs to the product in each process.8

MBME 590: Project Management and Sustainable Development

1Project Management and Planning. Project management: concepts, elements, and project cycle; and Project planning: project identification, feasibility study, and preparation of project report.5
2Project Appraisal and ImplementationCash flow analysis; Discounting and non-discounting techniques; Economic and social cost-benefit analysis; Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; Environmental analysis; Network analysis: PERT, CPM; and Project implementation system9
3Project Monitoring and EvaluationNeed for monitoring and evaluation; Logical framework approach; and UNIDO approach.3
4Sustainable Development and GoalsSustainable development: concepts, dimensions, determinants and principles; Sustainable development growth cycles; and Concept of green growth.6
5Sustainable Development and Business ModelsSustainable business models: concepts and innovation; 5’Cs of sustainability; and Modern business models for sustainable development.5
6Workshop on Writing Project Proposal and Project Report4

MBM 517: Economic Diplomacy and Global Economy

1Foreign Policy and DiplomacyConcepts of foreign policy, diplomacy, and economic diplomacy; Difference between traditional and modern economic diplomacy; Foreign policy as a promoter of national interest; Objectives of foreign policy, Actors of foreign policy implementation; Concepts and evolution of diplomacy; and Concept and importance of Track 1 and Track 2 diplomacy, Case studies.6
2Fundamentals of Global EconomyGlobal economy: concepts and drivers; Interdependence of the World Economies, multilateralism, regionalism, and bilateral relation; Relevance of economic diplomacy in contemporary global economic integration; Global economic outlook, WTO and the World economic integration; Role of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and Regional Institutions (SAARC, SAFTA, BIMCTEC) for economic integration and development; and Belt and Road Initiatives(BRI); Case studies.12
3Economic Diplomacy and Nepal’s Integration into the Global EconomyEconomic diplomacy in key economic sub-sectors, institution, and mechanism of economic diplomacy; Appraisal of Nepal’s economic diplomacy; Opportunities and challenges of economic diplomacy in Nepal; Economic diplomacy in multilateral, regional, and bilateral trade; Importance of economic diplomacy for the developing and the low-income countries with special focus on Nepalese economic diplomacy; Spillovers of international policy coordination; and Case studies.10
4Globalization and National EconomyImpact of private international financial flows on the economic growth of developing countries; Sub-regional economic cooperation in South Asia: problems and prospects; Trade and investment agreements and policies and their implications on private sector business growth in Nepal; and Case Studies.

MBME 594: Management Control Systems

S.NName of the ChapterContentsLH
1Introduction to Management Control System.Meaning and concept of the management control system; Importance, characteristics, nature and scope of the management control system; Boundaries of management control; Concept of management audit as a control tool.4
2The Environment of Management Control System.Management control environment, Goal congruence, Factors affecting goal congruence, Role of management control system in goal congruence Organization structure and management control system; Behavioral considerations of management control system.4
3Responsibility CentersConcept and nature of responsibility center; Criteria for measuring the performance of responsibility centre.6
4Transfer Pricing.Concept, objectives, significance and methods of transfer pricing.6
5Management Control Process. Strategic Planning, Budgeting, and Financial Performance Reports Analysis.19
6Modifications in Management Control. Modern Control Methods and Management Control in Different Organizations.9

For Downloading the new syllabus of MBM 4th Semester: CLICK HERE

Hence, these are the 4th Semester MBM Syllabus and list of subjects.

Frequently Asked Questions

a. List of subjects of MBM 4th semester?

= Following is the list of subjects of MBM 4th Semester:

  • Public Policy Analysis.
  • Cost Management.Project Management and Sustainable Development.
  • Business Simulation Practicum.
  • Practicum on Doing Business in Nepal.
  • Economic Diplomacy and Global Economy.
  • Management Control Systems