TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF

TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF
TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF

We have information on the TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF for the new course. There are five subjects in MBM’s 2nd Semester. They are Operation and Technology Management, Economics for Business, Managing People, Management Information Systems, and Financial Management.

TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF

Following are the TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF.

Also Read: TU MBM 2nd Semester Model Questions PDF.


Following is the list of subjects of TU MBM 2nd Semester.

S.NName of the SubjectsCode of subjectsCredit HoursLHs
1Operation and Technology ManagementMBM 510348
2Economics for BusinessMBM 508348
3Managing PeopleMBM 509348
4Management Information SystemMBM 507348
5Financial ManagementMBM 504348

Download TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF: CLICK HERE.

This course aims to acquaint students with the theory and practice of financial management so that they are able to enhance their quantitative & analytical skills for financial decision-making in the corporate world.

The course combines theory and practical applications and accompanying Excel spreadsheets to illustrate the application of theory in practice. The course begins with the fundamental concept of financial management and the corporate life cycle including the economic and financial environment. The course deals with components of financial statements and provides quantitative tools required to analyze the financial strengths and weaknesses of a firm.

MBM 504: Financial Management

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of Units
1Financial management and environmentThe corporate life cycle. Functions of financial management. Goal of financial management. Role of financial manager.
2Financial statements analysisFinancial statements and reports. User of financial statements. Standardizing statements: common size balance sheets, common size income statements.
3Bond and stock valuationTime & value relation: One-period & multi-period case, compounding & discounting, perpetuity & annuity, loan amortization.
4Risk and returnReturn and risk measures. Expected return, variance, and covariance. Return and risk measure for portfolios.
5Cost of capital and capital budgeting decisionsNature of capital budgeting projects. Required rate of return on capital project. Weighted average cost of capital approach, CAPM approach. Importance of Capital Budgeting, Complexities Involved in Capital Budgeting Decisions, Phases of Capital Expenditure Decisions.
6Working capital management and short-term financingOperating cycle and cash conversion cycle. Cash and liquidity management. Credit and inventory management.
7Long-term financingCommon stock, corporate long-term debt, and preferred stock. Pattern of financing. Recent trends in capital structure.
8Dividend policyProcedures for cash distributions: Dividend payment procedures, Stock repurchase procedures, Patterns of cash distributions.

MBM 507: Management Information System

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of Units
1Introduction to Computer System and IT Infrastructure Introduction, Characteristics of Computer, Application of Computer, Computer.Hardware. Input Device, Output Device, CPU (Components of CPU), Memory: Types of memory, Memory Hierarchy. Software. Introduction Types of software.
2Information System in Global Business TodayConcept of Data, Information, and Knowledge. Components of Information System. The role Of Information Systems in Today’s Business.
3Global E-Business and CollaborationBusiness Processes and Information System: Business Processes, Business Processes Improvement with Information Technology. Types of Information Systems: Systems for Different Management Groups.
4Securing Information Systems and Ethical and Social Issues in Information SystemsSystem Vulnerability and Abuse: Contemporary Security Challenges and Vulnerabilities, Internet Vulnerabilities. Information Security Goal. Information Security Model. Hacker and Computer Crime.
5E-Commerce and Online MarketingE-Commerce and the Internet. Features of E-Commerce: Ubiquity, Global Reach, Universal Standard, Richness, Interactivity, Information Density, Personalization/Customization. Key Concepts in E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods. Types of E-Commerce.

MBM 508: Economics for Business

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of the Units
1Market mechanism, efficiency and welfare Fundamental economic principles: how people make decisions, how people interact and how the economy as a whole works; applications of economic principles in managerial decisions; Demand and supply functions;
2Theory of firm and pricingConcept of production and cost functions; Goals of firm and applications: profit maximization, sales revenue maximization, Williamson’s model of managerial discretion; Pricing models under oligopoly.
3Estimation and forecasting in managerial decisionsDemand forecasting: concepts and significance, qualitative forecasts, quantitative forecasts: time series analysis and smoothing techniques.
4Microeconomic issues in organizationEconomics of organization: growth strategy, constraints on growth and profitability, alternative growth strategies: value chains, horizontal and vertical integration, growth through diversification.
5Macroeconomic issues from Nepali perspectiveMacroeconomic indicators: concepts and trends; Inflation-causes and consequences; Economic liberalization.

MBM 509: Managing People

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of the Units
1People Management and HRM: Concept and Context People Management and HRM: Concept and context, Difference between People Management and Human Resource Management. impact of individual and organizational factors on people management. Human resource management system.
2Job Design and Analysis Meanings of job, task, position, and occupation. Concept, benefits, and methods of job design. Concept and purposes of job analysis; Sources of job analysis information; Job description, job specification and job evaluation.
3Talent Management Talent management and Talent development: concept and importance; Meaning, sources and methods of recruitment. e-recruitment process. The concept of selection; Difference between selection and recruitment.
4Performance ManagementConcept of performance management and appraisal, Methods of performance appraisal, Reward management.
5Employee Maintenance and Emerging Issues in HRM and People ManagementEmployee health and safety, employee welfare, social security. Grievance handling and redressal; General guidelines in administrating employee discipline. Emerging issues and challenges of HRM.

MBM510: Operation and Technology Management

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of Units
1Operations Management in ContextIntroduction of operations management, input-transformation-output model, five performance objectives, four Vs framework.
2DesignProcess design; innovation and design in services and products, supply network design, layout and flow, and process technology.
3Deliver Nature of planning and controlling, capacity management, inventory management, Control theory, operation of MRP system.
4ImprovementOperations improvement, risk management, and organizing for improvement.
5Introduction to technology management Definition, the difference between technology management and innovation management, TM framework, TM activities, and TM tools.
6Technology management activitiesAcquisition, exploitation, identification, learning, protection, and selection.
7Technology management toolsPatent analysis, portfolio management, road mapping, S-curve, stage-gate, value analysis, and innovation.

Hence, these are the TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF.

Important Links

a. Download TU MBM 2nd Semester Syllabus PDF: CLICK HERE.

b. Also Read: TU MBM 2nd Semester Model Questions PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions

a. List of subjects of MBM 2nd Semester?

= Following are the MBM second semester subjects:

  • Operation and Technology Management.
  • Economics for Business.
  • Managing People.
  • Management Information Systems.
  • Financial Management.