BBA 5th Semester Model Questions

BBA 5th Semester Model Questions
BBA 5th Semester Model Questions

We have information on BBA 5th Semester Model Questions. There are 5 subjects in BBA 4th semester. BBA means Bachelor in Business Studies.

BBA 5th Semester Model Questions

BBA 5th Semester Syllabus and Subject.

Following are the BBA 5th Semester Model Questions.

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeLecture HourCredit Hour
PsychologyPSY 20248 LH3 CH
Business Information SystemsIT 23348 LH3 CH
Corporate Taxation in NepalACC 20348 LH3 CH
Operations ManagementMGT 20548 LH3 CH
Business EnvironmentMGT 23648 LH3 CH

IT233: Business Information System

Group “A”

Brief answer questions: Attempt all questions. (10 X 1=10)

1. What is TPS?

2. Define business process.

3. What do you mean by strategic information system?

4. What is knowledge management?

5. What is IoT?

6. What do you mean by social computing?

7. What is ERP?

8. Why do you need CRM software?

9. What is supply chain planning?

10. What is predictive analytics?

Group “B”

Short Answers Questions Attempt any five questions. (5 × 3= 15)

11. Explain the importance of information systems to society.

12. Compare business process improvement with business process reengineering.

13. Why do you need big data technologies? Compare big data with database.

14. Explain the benefits of mobile commerce with examples.

15. How can businesses use Web 2.0?

16. How can you use information systems to automate supply chain management activities?

Group “C”

Long Answer Questions Attempt any three questions. (3× 5= 15)

17. What is the impact of IT on organizations?

18. How can you use information systems to achieve competitive advantage? Explain.

19. Explain the data warehouse and data mart with examples.

20. Explain different wireless technologies for businesses.

“Group D”

Comprehensive Questions Attempt all questions. (2 × 10 = 20)

21. What are the benefits of using an ERP system? Explain different functional area information systems in detail.

22. Explain the role of managers in decision-making. What is the business analytics process?

PSY 202: Psychology

Group” A”

Brief Answer Questions (Answer ALL Questions) (10×2=20)

1. Describe the developmental perspective in psychology.

2. How does the psychodynamic approach define levels of consciousness?

3. What are the components of the triarchic theory of intelligence?

4. List down the principles of life-span development.

5. List down the common biases and errors in problem-solving.

6. What is the difference between illusion and hallucination?

7. Describe the concept of ‘concept’.

8. Describe the Big Five personality.

9. List out the monocular cues to depth perception.

10. What is creativity? Give one example.

Group “B”

Short Answer Questions (attempt any SIX questions) (6×5=30)

11. What are the multiple intelligences as per Gardner?

12. Differentiate between working memory and short-term memory.

13. Differentiate between different methods of problem solving.

14. Elaborate the theory of classical conditioning.

15. Describe the objective and projective approach to assess personality.

16. Elaborate the causes and consequences of stress.

17. Describe the major features of cognitive perspective in psychology.

Group “C”

Long Answer Questions (Attempt any THREE questions) (3×10=30).

18. What is Kelly’s attribution theory? What are the applications of Kelly’s attribution theory for managers?

19. Which among the two – operant condition or social learning – is better suited to foster effective behaviors in employees? Justify your choice.

20. Describe the various techniques for improving memory.

21. Elaborate the features and hazards of adolescence and adulthood.

22. Case Study.

MGT 236: Business Environment

Group “A”

Brief Answer Questions (10*2 = 20)

1. Enlist four firm-specific environmental factors influencing business.

2. What is meant by business scanning?

3. Mention any four recent labor market issues in Nepal.

4. Define political risk.

5. Give the meaning of the term ‘acculturation’.

6. State any two common technology transfer issues in Nepal.

7. What is meant by voluntary turnover of employees?

8. Point out any two benefits of getting membership in WTO.

9. List out any two major functions of the Ministry of Labor.

10. Differentiate ‘ethics’ from ‘law’.

MGT 205: Operations Management

Group “A”

Brief Answer Questions: [10*2 = 20]

1. Define operations management.

2. What is operation strategy?

3. Provide a concept of service design.

4. What is inventory management?

5. Point out the types of production systems.

6. Write down the main objective of Six Sigma.

7. What is the benefit of JIT?

8. Give an idea of value analysis.

9. What is independent demand?

10. Give a concept of productivity.

ACC 204: Taxation & Auditing

Group A

Brief answer questions Attempt ALL Questions (10 x2=20)

1. Define direct tax with an example.

2. Define permanent account number (PAN).

3. Explain the term Input VAT.

4. What are the sources of income as per the Income Tax Act, of 2058?

5. Mention any two objectives of an auditing.

6. Messi who is a citizen of Argentina, came to Nepal on 1st Baishakh, 2080, and stayed at the end of the previous income year. He earned $10,000 as consultancy fees from ANFA. Required: Taxable income, tax liability, and residential status of Mesi. [Dollar exchange rate $ 1= Rs.130].

7. Shivam has been operating a proprietorship business located in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, his sales and taxable income were Rs. 2.50 million and Rs. 300,000 respectively. He had adopted to be a presumptive taxpayer. Required: Determine the tax liability with an explanation as he is a presumptive taxpayer.

8. Mr. Thapa is working in a private company at a regular salary of Rs. 50,000 per month. The company has provided him with a quarter facility for his residence and a car facility for official as well as private purposes. Required: Total amount to be included in the employment income of Mr. Thapa.

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