BBA 8th Semester Banking Law Notes pdf

BBA 8th Semester Banking Law Notes pdf
BBA 8th Semester Banking Law Notes pdf

We have TU BBA 8th Semester Banking Law Notes pdf download. There are five subjects in BBA eight semester and Banking law and regulation is one of them.

This Course provides an overview of the legislative provision of bank and financial institution, fundamental banking laws and regulation.

BBA 8th semester all subject notes: CLICK HERE

BBA 8th Semester Banking Law Notes pdf

Following are the chapters of Banking law of eight semester BBA.

ChaptersName of the Chapters
2Central bank and Legal System
3Structure and formation of Bank and Financial Institutions
4Major Banking Law
5Bank Regulation and Central Bank Policy for Bank and FIs
6Legal Provision Relating to Negotiable Instrument
7Bank and Customer Relationship
8Bank Lending and Securities
9Legal aspect of Trade Finance
10Legal Challenges in Banking Business

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Prepare your exam with these notes.

This Course highlights major regulation and policies issued by Central bank to protect financial system.

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Other Important Links:

a. BBA 8th Semester syllabus: CLICK HERE

b. BBA 8th Semester exam routine: CLICK HERE

c. BBA 8th semester All subject Model Question: CLICK HERE

d. BBA 8th semester all subject notes: CLICK HERE

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a. BBA 8th Semester Banking Law All chapters Notes: