MPA 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

MPA 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject
MPA 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

We havde detail information of TU MPA 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject. There are five subjects in MPA third Semester. MPA means Master of Public Administration. For More Deatil: CLICK HERE.

MPA 3rd Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the detail information:

Subject List

Following are the subject list of the MPA third Semester:

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeLecture HoursCredit Hours
Public Policy II MPA 51148 Hrs3 Hrs
Administrative LawMPA 51248 Hrs3 Hrs
Public Entreprises Management MPA 51348 Hrs3 Hrs
Contenporary ManagementMPA 51448 Hrs3 Hrs
Global GovernanceMPA 51548 Hrs3 Hrs

Public Policy II

Following are the syllabus of Public Policy II.

UnitsName of the UnitsLecture Hours
1Policy Process, Actors and Institutions12 Hrs
2Analytical Approaches to Decision Problem10 Hrs
3Policy Implementation10 Hrs
4Policy Monitoring and Evaluation10 Hrs
5Policy Impact and Change6 Hrs

Administrative Law

Following are the syllabus of Administrative Law.

UnitsName of the UnitsLecture Hours
1Introduction to Administrative Law10 Hrs
2Constitutional Perspective10 Hrs
3Legislation and Delegated Legislation10 Hrs
4Grievance Handling Mechanisms10 Hrs
5Judicial Review and Administrative Action8 Hrs

Public Entreprises Management

Following are the syllabus of Public Entreprises Management.

UnitsName of the UnitsLecture Hours
1Introduction to Public Enterprises8 Hrs
2Organizational Pattern of PEs10 Hrs
3Autonomy, Accountability, Social Responsibility and Efficiency12 Hrs
4Pricing, Profit Policy and Governing Board10 Hrs
5Privatization8 Hrs

Contenporary Management

Following are the syllabus of Contenporary Management.

UnitsName of the UnitsLecture Hours
1Public Affairs Management12 Hrs
2Management Approaches14 Hrs
3Discretion, Integrity and Ethics in Public Sector8 Hrs
4Marketing of Public Services6 Hrs
5Emerging Management Techniques in Public Sector8 Hrs

Global Governance

Following are the syllabus of Global Governance.

UnitsName of the UnitsLecture Hours
1Introduction to Global Governance12 Hrs
2Foundations of Global Governance and the United Nations8 Hrs
3Contemporary Issue Areas of Global Governance8 Hrs
4Global Organizations and Regionalism12 Hrs
5Challenges of Global Governance8 Hrs

Other Important Links:

a. MPA third Semester exam routine: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question:

What are the subject name or list of MPA third Semester?

= Following are the name of the MPA third Semester:

  • Public Policy II
  • Administrative Law
  • Public Entreprises Management
  • Contenporary Management
  • Global Governance