BBA 7th Semester Syllabus and Subject


We have detail infomation of TU BBA 7th Semester Syllabus and Subject.

BBA 7th Semester Syllabus and Subject

Following are the detail information of the Syllabus.

For PDF of Syllabus: CLICK HERE

Subject List

Following are the list of the Subject.

Name of the SubjectSubject CodeLecture HourCredit Hour
Business Ethics and Social ResponsibilityMGT 209 48 LH3 CH
Three Specialization Courses9 CH
Summer ProjectPRJ 35048 LH3 CH

For PDF of Syllabus: CLICK HERE

Semester Division of Specialization Courses

Following are the list of the specialization Courses.

7 th Semester (Any Three Courses)

Banking and Finance

Name of the SubjectSubject Code
Financial Institutions and MarketsBNK 201
Working Capital ManagementBNK 203
Investment AnalysisBNK 204
Commercial Bank OperationBNK 206

Industry and Services Management

Name of the SubjectSubject Code
Productivity ManagementISM 202
Supply Chain ManagementISM 205
Service Operations and ManagementISM 206
Services MarketingMKM 204

Micro Enterprise Management

Name of the SubjectSubject Code
Management of Micro EnterpriseMEM 201
Micro FinanceMEM 203
Cooperative ManagementMEM 204
Micro InsuranceMEM 207

Sales and Marketing Management

Name of the SubjectSubject Code
Consumer BehaviorMKM 201
Marketing CommunicationsMKM 202
Fundamentals of SellingMKM 203
Services MarketingMKM 204

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Following are the syllabus of the Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.

ChapterName of the ChapterLecture Hour
1Introduction7 LH
2Ethical Issues and Dilemmas7 LH
3Ethical Theories8 LH
4Application of Ethical Standards13 LH
5Strategic Context of CSR6 LH
6Business Ethics and CSR in Nepal7 LH

If you have notes of any semester of BBA than you can donates it to us. It will be very helpful people who do not have notes for exam preparation. They can easly know the structure of the question in the exams.

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Hence, these are the TU BBA 7th Semester Syllabus and Subject.

Other Important Links:

a. BBA 7th Semester Exam Rourtine: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question:

a. Subject Name and SUbject Code of BBA 7th Semester.

= We have detail inormations of BBA 7th Smester Subject List and Thier Subject Code.