BBM 7th Semester Exam Routine 2079

BBM 7th Semester Exam Routine
BBM 7th Semester Exam Routine

We will look after the TU BBM 7th Semester Exam Routine 2079.

BBM 7th Semester Exam Routine 2079

Following is the exam schedule of the BBM 7th Semester.

Exam DayDaySubject CodeCourse Title
13th January 2023
Poush 29, 2079
FridayMGT 317Business ethics and social responsibility
16th January 2023
Magh 2, 2079
MondayITC 311E-commerce
18th January 2023
Magh 4, 2079
WednesdayELE 221
ELE 222
ELE 224
ELE 225
ELE 226
Emerging Global Business Issues
Information & Technology Management
Organizational development & change
Budgeting Financial forecasting
Event management
20th January 2023
Magh 7, 2079
FridayEED 212
EED 213
BNK 211
BNK 214
BNK 218
BNK 219
MKT 213
Principle of small business management
Creativity and Innovation
Banking Law
Commercial Banking Operation
Microfinance & rural banking
Investment banking
Creative selling
23rd Janauary 2023
Magh 9, 2079
MondayBNK 212
BNK 215
EED 217
MKT 216
Wholesale and Retail Banking
Capital and money market
Project management
Supply chain & Channel management
25th January 2023
Magh 11, 2023
WednesdayBNK 216
EED 215
MKT 211
MKT 215
Treasury management
Consumer Behavior
Retail Management

First Time exam routine published: 2079/09/14


  1. Exam time and exam center will be informed later.
  2. Please bring all the necessary item to the exam hall such as pen, pencil, graph, calculator, admit card.’
  3. Please be on time to the exam hall.

Other Important Links:

  1. BBM 5th Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE