MBS 3rd Semester Exam Routine 2080

MBS 3rd Semester Exam Routine 2080
MBS 3rd Semester Exam Routine 2080

We have detail information of TU MBS 3rd Semester Exam Routine 2080. Students need to appear in five subjects in MBS third Semester. Students gets options to give exam.

MBS means Master of Business Studies.

The exam starts on 10th of July 2023 and end on 18th of July 2023.

MBS 3rd Semester Exam Routine 2080

Following are the deatil information:

Exam DateExam DaySubject CodeName of thesubject
10th of July 2023
25th of Asar, 2080
MondayMGT 523
FIN 687
FIN 688
ACC 685
ACC 686
MGT 687
MGT 688
MKT 691
MKT 692
Strategic Manageemnt (Old Course)
Financial Derivatives and Market
Corporate Finance
Corporate Taxation
Cost Management
Recent Trends in Management
Organizational Theory
Advertising and Promotional Management
Rural Marketing
12th July 2023
27th of Asar 2080
WednesdayMSC 521Research Methodology ( Old & New Course )
Exam DateExam DaySubject CodeName of the Subject
14th July 2023
29th Asar 2080
FridayMGT 522
MSC 520
International Business ( Old & New Course )
Production Management ( Old Course
16th July 2023
31st Asar 2080
SundayMGT 524Entrepreneurship ( Old & New Course )
18th July 2023
2nd Shrawan 2080
TuesdayACC 519Accounting for financial and Managerial decision
and control ( Old and New Course )

Original Routine

Following is the original routine


a. Exam time and exam center will be informed latter.

b. If any national holiday happens in any exam day than you have to wait the decision of the TU.

c. Please take all the necessary items to the exam hall such as calculator, pen, scale, financial table, etc

Other Important Links:

a. MBS third smester syllabus: CLICK HERE

Frequently Asked Question:

a. When will MBS third Semester exam will start?

= MBS third semester exam will start from 10th of July 2023 and end on 10th of July 2023 / 2nd os shrawan.

b. Exam center of MBS third Semester 2080.

= The exam center of MBS third semester 2080 is not published yet.

c. Time of MBS third semester 2080?

= Time table of the MBS third semester exam is not yet published.