TU has published a second-year routine of BBS. Here is the TU BBS 2nd year exam routine of 2080 (Regular).
The exam will start on 29 Shrawan 2080 with the subject Business Communication. Similarly, it ends with the subject Organizational Behaviour and HRM on 06th Ashoj 2080.
Time: 7 am to 10 pm
BBS 2nd year exam routine of 2080 (Regular)
Following are the detail information of exam routine.
2080-04-29 = MGT- 205 = Business Communication
2080-04-31 = MGT – 209 = Macro economics for business
2080-05-01 = MGT – 212 = Cost and management accounting
2080-05-04 = MGT – 215 = Fundamental of Financial
2080-05-06 = MGT – 223 = Organizational Behavious & HRM
Original Exam Notice:
Following is the original routine:

- Take all the necessary items with you to the exam hall. It will save your time while writing answers.
- Take the admit card to the exam hall.
- Prepare your exam according to the exam schedule.
Other Importnat Links:
a. BBS 2nd Yrs Back routine: CLICK HERE
b. BBS 2nd Model Question of 2079: CLICK HERE
c. BBS 2nd year all subjects Notes: CLICK HERE
Frequently Asked Question
a. Time of BBS 2nd year exam ?
= The exam will start from 7 am and end on 10 pm.
b. Starting date of BBS 2nd year 2080?
= The exam will start from 29th of shrawan 2080 with the subject business communication.