We have detail information of TU BTTM 1st Semester Syllabus pdf and Subject list. There are five subjects in BTTM’s first Semester. BTTM means
BTTM 1st Semester Syllabus and Subject
Following are the BTTM 1st Semester Syllabus and Subject.
Subject List
Name of the subject | Subject Code | Lecture Hours | Credit Hours |
English I | ENG 101 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
Computer and Information Technology | ITC 101 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
Principles of Management | MGT – 101 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
Fundamentals of Travel and Tourism Management | TTM 101 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
Values and Spirituality in Tourism | TTM 102 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
Hospitality Operations and Management | TTM 103 | 48 Hrs | 3 Hrs |
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Syllabus of all Subjects
Following are the brief syllabus.
ENG 101: English I
Units | Name of the Units | Contents of Units |
1 | Travel and Hotel Etiquette | a. Employment b. Teamwork c. Travel d. Schedule. |
2 | Tourism Requisites | a. Accommodation b. Money c. Traveling around d.Attractions and activities. |
3 | Dealing Professionally | a. Jobs b. Location c. Contacts d. Departments. |
4 | Global Collaboration | a. Employment b. Team work c. Travel d. Schedule. |
5 | Literatures of Hospitality and Authoritrg | a. Modes of Hospitality in History b. Hospitality in the Classroom c. Ten Students Reflect on Their Independent Authoring d. Tropes of Learning Change |
6 | Letters on Tourism and Hospitality | Bird Guide Between Peshawar and Lahore Living Among Incompatibles The Facts of Kathmandu The Bridal Party Dawn fromThe Shadow of the Silk Road. |
ITC 101: Computer and Information Technology
Units | Name of the Units | Contents of Units |
1 | Introduction to Computer System | Definition of Computer with Architecture and its Features, Types of Computer (analog, digital (super, mainframe, mini and micro). |
2 | Input Devices | Definition of Input Devices and its type (Mouse, Keyboard, Microphone, Scanner, Touch Panel, MICR, OBR and OMR), Uses of input devices. |
3 | Output Devices | Definition of Output devices and its type (Softcopy and Hardcopy), Monitor (CRT, LCD, LED, and Plasma), Printer (Impact and Non-Impact), Uses of Output devices. |
4 | Storage Devices | Primary Storage Device (RAM and its type, ROM and its type and Cache Memory), Secondary Storage Devices (Hard Disk, Optical Disk, Flash Drive, Memory/SD). |
5 | Central Processing | Control Unit, Aritlimetic and Logic Unit, Register set, Functions of Central Processing Unit. Introduction to Bus (Address, Dat4 Control). |
6 | Operating System | Features of Operating System, Types of Operating Systems, Support for Networking. |
7 | Application Software | Introduction, types, and uses of Application software. Office package (Word Processor, Spread Sheet, and Presentation) tool. Introduction and Features. Word Processor (Microsoft Office Word 2007). |
8 | Utility Software | Definition and uses of Utility software, Device Manager, Disk cleaner, Disk scanner, Disk Defragmenter, virus scanner, spyware scanner, Introduction and uses of Device Driver, Language Translator. |
9 | Foundation for Information system for Business | System, Information Systertr and Information Technology, Types of Information System (TPS, MIS, DSSI, Components of Information System and its resources. |
10 | Internet Technology and Digital Firm | Concept of Digital Firm, Introduction to Internet, Intranet, Extranet and AI. |
11 | Cyber Security | Computer Crime (Hacking and cracking, Software piracy, Theft of Intellectual property, Privacy on the intemet), Security Management of IT. |
TTM 101: Fundamentals of Travel and Tourism
Chapter | Name of the Chapter | Contents of the chapters |
1 | Introduction to Travel and Tourism | Definition and Scope of Travel and Tourism. Define what is travel and tourism, Features of Tourism; Explain various features of tourism, Types of Tourism; Types of Tourism according to Erik Cohen and General Types of Tourism. |
2 | Historical Dimension of Tourism | Introduction to Tourism History. Defining the historical dimension of tourism, Significance of studying the history of tourism, Key historical milestones in the development of tourism, Early Forms of Travel and Tourism. |
3 | Psychological Dimension of Tourism | Introduction to Psychological Dimensions of Tourism; Understanding the role of psychology in the travel and tourism industry, Significance of studying tourist motivations and behaviors from a psychological perspective, Tourist Motivation. |
4 | Impacts of Travel and Tourism | Introduction to Tourism Impacts. Defining tourism impacts, Significance of studying the impacts of tourism, Overview of the’, categories of tourism impacts. |
5 | Tourism Activities, Services, and Recreation | Tourism Activities, Services, and Recreation; Defining tourism activities and their role in the tourism experience, Categorizing tourism activities (e.g., adventure tourism, cultural tourism), Significance of tourism activities for destinations and tourists. |
6 | Tourism and International Organizations | 6 LHs Introduction to International Organizations in Tourism. Understanding the significance of international organizations in tourism, Overview of key international organizations involved in tourism development, United Nations World Tourism Organization (IINWTO). |
7 | Future Trends in Travel and Tourism | Introduction to Future Trends. Understanding the importance of studying future trends in tourism, Overview of key drivers shaping the future of the industry The role of technology in driving change and innovation |
MGT 101: Principles of Management
Following are the syllabus of Principles of Management.
Chapter | Name of the Chapter | Contents of Chapters |
1 | Introduction to Management | Management: concepts, features, significance; levels of management. functions of management; types of managers; managerial roles, and managerial skills. |
2 | Business Environment | Concept of business environment; components of business environment. internal and external; SWOT analysis. |
3 | Evolution of Management Thoughts | Classical Theories of management: scientific management theory, administrative management theory, and bureaucratic management theory. Human Relation Approach (Hawthorne Studies). |
4 | Planning and Decision-Making | Concept, features, and importance of planning; types of planning; levels of planning: strategic. |
5 | Organizing | Concept and characteristics of organizing; organizing process. principles of organizing; forms of organizational structure: simple structure, functional structure, multidivisional structure, geographic structure, and matrix structure. Types of authority. line authority and staff authority. |
6 | Leading | Meaning and qualities of leadership; functions(roles) of leadership for the successful functioning of the hospitality industry, Leadership Styles: autocratic, democratic, and participative; concept and types of groups. |
7 | Controlling | Meaning, features, purposes, and process of controlling; types of control; importance of control; essentials of effective controlling the hospitality industry; control tools and techniques; quality: concept and importance. |
TTM 103: Hospitality Operations and Management
Chapter | Name of the Chapter | Contents of chapters |
1 | Introduction to Hospitality Industry | Concept of hospitality, various service sectors, and industry related to hospitality Characteristics of hospitality services, Scopes of the hospitality industry. |
2 | Organizational Structure of Hotel Industry | Hotel organization charts (small, medium, and large), operational and functional departments and their functions, job responsibilities of section heads/managers. |
3 | Rooms Division Management | introduction to rooms division Management. Departments within rooms division. Overview of the front office department in a hotel. different sections within the front office and their functions, hotel reservation process, check-in, and check-out process. |
4 | Food and Beverage Management | Overview of the food and beverage department, F&B organization. Various outlets of the food and beverage department and its function, recent trends in food and beverage operations. Types of menu, types of food and beverage services, types of meals, dining etiquette, forms, and formats used in the F&B department. |
5 | Hotel Visit | During the course, students are encouraged to visit any five-star hotels or resorts to observe the basic operational departments and their functioning in order to learn about hotel operations. |
Hence, these are the BTTM 1st Semester Syllabus and Subject.
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a. BTTM first Semester Model Question Paper: CLICK HERE
b. BTTM first Semester Exam Routine: CLICK HERE
Frequently Asked Questions.
What are the subjects of BTTM 1st Semester?
= Following are the subjects of BTTM 1st Semester:
- English I.
- Computer and Information Technology.
- Principles of Management.
- Fundamentals of Travel and Tourism Management.
- Values and Spirituality in Tourism.
- Hospitality Operations and Management.