BMS 5th Semester Exam Routine 2079

BMS 5th Semester Exam Routine 2079
BMS 5th Semester Exam Routine 2079

We will look after the TU BMS 5th Semester Exam Routine 2079. BMS 7th Sem exam starts on 14th January and ends on 23rd January, 2023.

BMS 5th Semester Exam Routine 2079

Following is the exam schedule of BMS 5th Semester.

Exam DateDaySubject CodeCourse Title
14th January 2023
Poush 30, 2079
SaturdayBMS 504Entrepreneurship
17th January 2023
Magh 03, 2079
TuesdayBMS 502Mountain Environment & Tourism
19th January 2023
Magh 05, 2079
ThursdayBMS 503Safety and security Operation
21st January 2023
Magh 07, 2019
Saturday BMS 501French Language – I
23rd January 2023
Magh 09, 2079
MondayBMS 505Mountaineering: Fundamentals of Climbing

First Time exam routine published: 2079/09/14


  1. Exam time and exam center will be informed later.
  2. Please bring all the necessary item to the exam hall such as pen, pencil, graph, calculator, admit card.’
  3. Please be on time to the exam hall.

Other Important Links:

  1. BMS exam routine: CLICK HERE