BHM 5th Semester Exam routine 2079

BHM 5th Semester Exam routine
BHM 5th Semester Exam routine

We Will Look after the TU BHM 5th Semester Exam routine 2079. BHM means Bachelors of Hotel Management.

BHM 5th Semester Exam routine 2079

Following is the exam schedule of the BHM 5th Semester.

Exam DateDaySubject CodeCourse Title
13th January 2023
Poush 29, 2079
FridayBHM 327Facility Planning and Management
16th January 2023
Magh 02, 2079
MondayBHM 330Hospitality Marketing Sales
18th January 2023
Magh 4, 2079
WednesdaySTT 311Statistics
20th January 2023
Magh 06, 2079
FridayECO 311Economies
23rd January 2023
Magh 09, 2079
MondayMIS 311Management Information System
25th January 2023
Magh 11, 2079
WednesdayBHM 331Fundamental of tourism

First Time exam routine published: 2079/09/14


  1. Exam time and exam center will be informed later.
  2. Please bring all the necessary item to the exam hall such as pen, pencil, graph, calculator, admit card.’
  3. Please be on time to the exam hall.