Exam center of 1st Semester of BBA BBM BHM BIM BTTM BMS

Exam center of 1st Semester of BBA BBM BHM BIM BTTM BMS
Exam center of 1st Semester of BBA BBM BHM BIM BTTM BMS

Here is the details information of the Exam center of 1st Semester of BBA BBM BHM BIM BTTM BMS. Similarly, there is an exam center of the BHM 8 semester.

Exam center of 1st Semester of BBA BBM BHM BIM BTTM BMS

following is the details information on the first semester TU exam

TIME: 11 am.

If you are a TU first-semester student then it will be useful for you. The time of the exam is 11:00 am.

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