TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF

TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF
TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF

We have the TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF of the new course. There are five subjects in the BPA first semester.

TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF

Following are the TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF.

Subject List

Following are the list of subjects of BPA 1st Semester.

S.NName of the SubjectsSubject CodeCredit HoursLectors Hours
1Foundations of Public AdministrationBPA 1013 Hrs48 Hrs
2Sociology and Public SectorBPA 1023 Hrs48 Hrs
3English for Public Administration-IBPA 1033 Hrs48 Hrs
4MicroeconomicsECO 1013 Hrs48 Hrs
5Organizational Theory and AdministrationBPA 1043 Hrs48 Hrs

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BPA 101: Foundations of Public Administration

The basic purpose of this course is to provide a basic knowledge of public administration. The course aims to familiarise the students with the concept, theoretical approaches, and recent issues of public administration.

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of the Units
1Introduction to Public Administration Meaning of Public Administration. Nature and Scope of Public Administration. Significance of Public Administration. Public And Private Administration; Evolution of Public Administration as an Academic Discipline.
2Changing Nature of Public AdministrationPeriod of Dichotomy, Development of Independent Discipline, Behavioural Challenges, Crisis of Identity, New Public Administration, Rigg’s Comparative Public Administration.
3Administrative TheoriesClassical Theory (Scientific Management; Bureaucratic Theory. and Management School Theory, Human Relations and Decision-making). Behavioral Theory (Ecological Theory, System Theory Contingency, Participative).
4Bureaucracy and Public AdministrationMax Weber’s contribution to Administration, Theory of Bureaucracy, Model of Bureaucracy, Principles of Bureaucracy.
5Simon’s Decision MakingAdministrative Behaviour & Decision Making, Rationality in Decision Making and Administrative Behaviour.

BPA 102: Sociology and Public Sector

The main objective of this course is to impart basic concepts and theories of sociology so that students will be able to understand the social issues and their impact on governance.

UnitsName of the Units Contents of Units
1Sociology and Public Administration Concept of Sociology, Evolution of Sociology, Similarities and Differences between Sociology and Anthropology; Relationship of Sociology with History, Political Science, Economics, Social Psychology, and Biological Sciences and Use of Sociological Knowledge in Public Administration.
2Attributes of Society Society, culture, and social groups; Status and role; Norms and values; Social stratification: Class, caste, and ethnicity; Organizations: Formal and informal; Social interaction: Cooperation, conflict, coercion, and social exchange
3Social InstitutionsFamily, marriage, and religious institutions; Political and Economic institutions.
4SocializationNecessity of nurture; Difference between humans and animals; Acculturation and assimilation; Process, stages and agents of socialization.
5Social TheoriesConcept of theory and meta-theory; Theoretical perspective: Functionalism, conflict paradigm, and interactionism; Positivism, constructivism, and modernism; World system theory, structuralism, and feminism.

BPA 103: English for Public Administration-I

The purpose of this course is to help students to improve their English skills. Oral, listening, and academic writing skills and conversational fluency are emphasized in everyday public communication.

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of Units
1English for Public AdministrationRole and Scope of Public Administration in Society, Information Technology and Public Administration
2English for Public AdministrationPubic Management, Human Resources in Administration
3EssaysWhy Go to University?; Curbing the Oneeyed Monster; How Sane Are We?; The Burden of Skepticism; Keeping Errors at Bay; We are Breaking the Silence about Death; The Savage Male.
4Basics of EnglishListening Skills; Speaking Skills; Reading Skills. Structure Analysis; Remedial Grammar; Test and Revision. Development of Writing Skills; Report Writing; Reference Skill.
5Academic Writing Skills Introductory Concepts of Academic Writing; Various Types of Academic Writing; Basics of Academic Writing and Organizing Arguments.

ECO 101: Microeconomics

The objective of this course is to help the students understand, explain, and apply the concepts and tools of microeconomics in economic analysis.

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of the Units
1Introduction: Micro-economics Concept of Economics; Concept and Scope of Micro-economics; Importance and Uses of Microeconomics
2Theory of Consumer Behaviour and Demand AnalysisConcept of consumer’s behavior; Concept and Types of Demand; Determinants of Demand and Demand Function. Concept of Elasticity, Price, Income, and Cross Elasticity of Demand and its Measurement. Utility Analysis: Concept of Cardinal and Ordinal Utility Analysis. Marginal Rate of Substitution. Consumer’s Equilibrium Production: Production Function; Laws of variable proportion; Laws of returns to scale.
3Costs and Revenue Analysis Concepts of Costs; Short Run Cost Curves. Long Run Cost Curves; Concept of Revenue; Revenue Curves under Perfect and Imperfect Competition.
4Theories of factor pricingModern theory of rent, marginal productivity theory of wages, loanable fund theory and liquidity preference theory of interest, dynamic and innovation theory of profit.
5Market and Supply Analysis Market analysis: Concept of a perfect and imperfectly competitive market. Supply analysis: Concept of Supply; Determinants of Supply.

BPA 104: Organizational Theory and Administration

The objective of this course is to impart the knowledge of organization theory. It also gives a glimpse of the theoretical development of organization.

UnitsName of the UnitsContents of the Units
1Introduction to Organization TheoryConcept of organization and principles/bases of forming organizations, concept and historical development of organization theory and its significance.
2Organizational Management and StructurePlanning, organizing, coordinating, controlling leadership, centralization and decentralization. Organizational structures. pyramid, functional, divisional, matrix, horizontal and vertical structures, line and staff agencies.
3Classical Organization TheoriesScientific management, bureaucratic theory, administrative management theory, and human relations theory.
4Neo-Classical and Contemporary Organization TheoriesSystems theory, contingency theory, institutional theory, and organization ecology theory.
5Conflict, Power, and Ethics in OrganizationsSources and managing conflict in organizations, formal and informal power structures and power dynamics in organizations, ethics in organizations and sources of personal ethical values.

Hence, these are the TU BPA 1st Semester Syllabus and Subjects PDF.

Other Important Links

a. BPA 1st Semester Microeconomics Notes PDF.