NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book

NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book
NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book

We have NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book pdf. It is one of the compulsory book apart from Nepali book.

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.” – Aristotle

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF) advocates for the promotion of skilloriented, life skill-based, employment-driven and value-based school education. It envisions developing the human capital dedicated to nation, nationality, national integrity and Nepali specialty.

English textbook for grade 11 has been prepared following the spirit of NCF 2076 and Secondary Level Curriculum 2076 (Grade 11 and Grade12). An attempt has also been made to incorporate the emerging needs of learners. The book includes the contents to develop all four language skills blended in the tasks and activities with contextual grammar and related vocabulary.

This textbook was written by Mohan Singh Saud and edited by Prof. Dr. Bal Mukunda Bhandari, Dr. Ganga Ram Gautam, Dr. Gopal Prasad Pandey and Prof. Dr. Jiba Lal Sapkota.

NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book

Following are the detail information.

Table of Content

Following are the table of the content

Section I: Language Development

S.NName of the ChapterReading
1Education and HumanityEducation First
3Media and SocietySocial Media:
Its Infl uence and Control over People’s Lives
4History and CultureQin Dynasty
5Life and LoveThe Looking Glass
6Health and ExerciseForesters without Diplomas
7Ecology and DevelopmentForesters without Diplomas
8Humour and SatireA Few Kind Words for Superstition
9Democracy and Human RightsNelson Mandela’s 1994 Inauguration Speech
10Home Life and Family RelationshipThe Tattered Blanket
S.NName of the ChapterReading
11Arts and CreationWhy is the Renaissance Important?
12FantasyDown the Rabbit Hole
13Career and EntrepreneurshipMahabir Pun: A visionary social entrepreneur
14Power and PoliticsNapoleon Bonaparte
15War and PeaceShall there Be Peace?
16Critical ThinkingWhat is the Soul?
17Globalisation and DiasporaWhat Lost Identity?: The Diaspora and Globalisation
18Immigration and IdentityIdentity Crisis in Immigrants (book review)
19Travel and TourismDiscovering West Nepal – the Wild Frontier
20Science and TechnologyTaking my Son to College, where Technology has Replaced Serendipity

Section II : Literature

Unit 1 Short Stories
1The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde
2The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe
3God Sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy
4The Wish by Roald Dahl
5Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe
6Two Little Soldiers by Guy de Maupassant
7An Astrologer’s Day by R. K. Narayan
Unit 2Poems
1Corona Says by Vishnu S. Rai
2A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns
3All the World’s a Stage by William Shakespeare
4Who are you, little i? by E. E. Cummings
5The Gift in Wartime by Tran Mong Tu
Unit 3Essays
1Sharing Tradition by Frank LaPena
2How to Live Before You Die by Steve Jobs
3What I Require from Life by J.B.S. Haldane
4What is Poverty? by Jo Goodwin Parker
5Scientific Research is a Token of Humankind’s Survival by
Vladimir Keilis-Borok
Unit 4One Act Play
1Trifles by Susan Glaspell
2A Sunny Morning by Serafin and Foaquin Alvarez Quintero
3Refund by Fritz Karinthy

NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book PDF

Following is the NEB Class 11 Compulsory English Book PDF

Other Important Links:

a. CLass 11 compulsory Nepali notes: CLICK HERE

b. CLass 11 compulsory English notes: CLICK HERE

c. Class 11 Nepali Book Pdf: CLICK HERE

d. Class 11 Social Studies and Life Skill Book Pdf: CLICK HERE

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