Employment Income Tax Rate in Nepal

Calculation of Income from Employment
Calculation of Income from Employment

We will look after the Employment Income Tax Rate slab in Nepal of 2079/80.

Employment Income Tax Rate in Nepal

Following is the updated tax rate extracted from FY 2079/80 budget.

Unmarried Person

ParticularsTax Rate
First 5,00,0001%
Next 2,00,00010%
Next 3,00,00020%
Next 10,00,00030%
Remaining above 20,00,00036%

For Calculation of Taxable income of Employment: CLICK HERE

For Example: If a person has 30,00,000 taxable income from employment.

Calculation of tax from employment

ParticularsTax RateAmount
First Rs. 5,00,0001%Rs. 5,000
Next Rs. 2,00,00010%Rs. 20,000
Next Rs. 3,00,00020%Rs. 60,000
Next Rs. 10,00,00030%Rs. 3,00,000
Reaming Amount Rs. 10,00,00036%Rs. 3,60,000
Total Tax AmountRs. 7,45,000

Hence, he has to pay Rs. 7,45,000 as tax to government of Nepal.

Married Person

ParticularTax Rate
First Rs. 6,00,0001%
Next Rs. 2,00,00010%
Next Rs. 3,00,00020%
Next Rs. 9,00,00030%
Above Rs. 20,00,00036%

Hence, these are the income tax rate in Nepal.

Tax Slab rate for Non-resident person in Nepal.

Non-resident person has to pay 25% tax rate on income from employment. Tax rate is levied on the taxable income of the person. He/She does not get any slab rate as Nepali do.

Other Important Links:

  1. Calculation of Income from Employment: CLICK HERE
  2. TDS rate in Nepal: CLICK HERE
  3. Final Withholding Payments: CLICK HERE