Differences between Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty


We will make Differences between Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty.

Differences between Absolute Poverty and Relative Poverty

Following are the differences

S.NAbsolute Poverty Relative Poverty
1It is a situation in which a person is not able to obtain essential commodities such as food, shelter, and ClothesIt is the situation in which a person is able to obtain at least essentials needs such as food, decent shelter, and clothes
2Poor Quality of lifeBetter standard of Life
3Low-income levelBetter income level
4People in developing are suffering from absolute poverty.People in Developed countries face relative poverty.
5It is not possible to eradicate absolute poverty.There is a possibility to eradicate relative poverty.
6It is measured using the poverty line. It is measured using Gini-Coefficient and Lorenzo Curve.

Hence, these are the differences.

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